If anyone has some input I'd like to talk about Trolls.
I use the following house rules.
Throwing Weapon range is 2" per point of Strength.
Single companies have +1 Defense added in the shoot phase.
Shoot value bonus is doubled. (So if the value is +2, its +4.... if its -1, its -2.)
Adjusted point values for trolls. Edited Jan31
60 - Cave Troll
85 - Mordor Troll
90 - Troll Drummer
95 - Isengard Troll
120 - Isengard Troll Captain
135 - Mordor Troll Captain
135 - Buhrdur
Cave Troll 60points
- Def 7 vs. shooting
- Two S6 Throwing attacks at 12" Range
Cheapest of the trolls and goes down easy. Throwing attacks not a big deal. 20 Points less than a Mordor Troll.
Mordor Troll 85points
- Def 8 vs. shooting
- Three S7 Throwing attacks at 14" Range
Seconded weakest troll and a little harder to take down. Should be the benchmark for other Trolls/Monsters to be costed around. Can survive bow fire from long range. Ratio to cave trolls 3:4. Throwing attacks are decent.
Troll Drummer 90points
- Def 8 vs. shooting
- Three S7 Throwing attacks at 14" Range
I think the Shield is better. The Drummer is usually trying to get the army moving quicker but since it cannot ATD its not a great upgrade. 10 points for a drummer is my command cost so I might aswell apply it here.
Isengard Troll95points
- Def 9 vs. shooting
- Three S7 Throwing attacks at 14" Range
Extra defense helps. Can survive bowfire from any range. Every time you increase defense by two you are making them twice as hard to kill so 15 points seems more reasonable than 5points.
Isengard Troll Captain 120points
- Def 9 vs shooting
- Three S7 Throwing attacks at 14" Range
A mighted Isengard Troll for 25 points sounds right. You can have two Cave trolls for one of these.
Mordor Troll Captain 135points
- Def 9 vs shooting
- Three S8 Throwing attacks at 16" Range
For 15 more points than an Isengard Troll Captain you get one more Strength, Inspiring Leader (Trolls) and the Troll Charge Special rule. Strength works pretty much the same were every two points you hit twice as often.
Buhrdur 135points
- Def 7 vs shooting
- Two S6 Throwing attacks at 12" Range
A glorified cave troll but with some great rules. I never played him but seems like a good tool to have.
http://drinkingwotr.blogspot.com/ - Links to my CrAzY House Rules, Games and 'poor man's' terrain.