The One Ring

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Author:  Jazlotus [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  counsellors

is there just 3 counsellors in the game?

Author:  BlackMist [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

Yeah - Dain, Galadriel, Gandalf

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

but there are also ppl w/ epic renewal, which is pretty much teh same thing from what i can remember (correct me if im wrong)

Author:  Celebdriel [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

Epic Rewewal can be augmented by a character with Touched by Destiny (meaning you can keep doing it - See Gandalf & Galadriel), Counsellor cannot. (At least that's how we've been playing the Counsellor rule for Characters with TBD - check the TBD description & see if you agree - counsellor is a "Special rule", not an "Epic action"). I seem to remember a thread on here about the Counsellor special ability and the uber boosting capabilities of it, but I believe there is an upper limit of 10 under the "Absolute Zero" rule on page 29.

Author:  BlackMist [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

Yeah there is the limit of 10, but still if 2 councellors are boosting each other each turn they're generating a lot of free might and after 2-3 turns they both have gained several points for free which is good for their Heroics and Magic.

There is however a 'fix' to the rule that the UKGT used - Councellor is used at the start of the turn. Therefore if for example Galadriel Councells Gandalf then Gandalf cannot Councell Galadriel in the same turn, because Gandalf's Councellor will not be used at the start of the turn (because timing wise it's no longer start of the turn after Galadriel has done her rule). It fixed the rule pretty well at the GT.

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

free might? doesnt counsellor require might to do? so pretty much your transfering might unless you roll a 6

Author:  Jazlotus [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

BlackMist wrote:
There is however a 'fix' to the rule that the UKGT used - Councellor is used at the start of the turn. Therefore if for example Galadriel Councells Gandalf then Gandalf cannot Councell Galadriel in the same turn, because Gandalf's Councellor will not be used at the start of the turn (because timing wise it's no longer start of the turn after Galadriel has done her rule). It fixed the rule pretty well at the GT.

Thats just stupid! U simply call out what counselling is going to happen before any dice are rolled! Not roll and say wow I rolled 3 sixes so I will give 9 back! U simply have to call out what your doing first!

Author:  Gildor Inglorion [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

free might? doesnt counsellor require might to do? so pretty much your transfering might unless you roll a 6

Yes, but if you have 2 counsellors bouncing might back and forth every turn you have a lot of opportunities to get 6s. Statistically you should be rolling a 6 every 3 or so turns... so you're gaining about 2/3 Might points every turn.

Author:  Celebdriel [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

Can you roll a 5 and add 1 with an extra might to make it a six, therfore trading 2 might for 3? Similarly if you councelled back the other way you could do the same thing. I'm assuming you can modify the roll with might.

I'm not sure you'd be able to do this for very long though, given that in some games you can be in combat in turn one!!

Author:  BlackMist [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

Celebdriel wrote:
Can you roll a 5 and add 1 with an extra might to make it a six, therfore trading 2 might for 3?

Yup, you can boost any roll a Hero makes. The biggest flaw with Councellor rule is that 1 is not a failure. Making the table:
1- Nothin
2-5 - Provide 1 Might
6 - Provide 2 Might

Would automatically balance it and wouldn't require any other fixes.

Jazlotus wrote:
Thats just stupid! U simply call out what counselling is going to happen before any dice are rolled! Not roll and say wow I rolled 3 sixes so I will give 9 back! U simply have to call out what your doing first!

First of all have some respect and don't use "!" please.

Councellor is not a Heroic Action. It doesn't have a calling time, you declare it and it happens that moment, there is no order to it other than it has to be the first thing in the turn. Following that logic UKGT ruled that once one Councellor has been declared, the next one cannot because it is not the start of the turn yet. It is ofcourse not a binding rulling because I have no proof of that, but I did win the GT and I do remember the argument. Either way you don't have to use it.
I do agree with you that rolling and then looking how much might you gained is not the right way to do it and it has nothing in the rules to back it up. If anything both councellors would work at the same time, but even then the situation becomes overpowered considering that by turn 2 you have generated something like 5-6 extra Might and then you give all 10 to Aragorn and Dain for their Rampage, Epic Duels and wound bonuses... that's when it really breaks the game. Having 2 Councellors on their own doesn't provide a big benefit because they're not very good in combat and their Might doesn't have as many uses as combat Epics like Aragorn, Gimli, Dain, etc.

Author:  Celebdriel [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

Might be one way to get rid of Kahmul though, Duel + ES + all that might... 8)

Author:  Jazlotus [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: counsellors

First of all have some respect and don't use "!" please.

Haha I'm sorry I never meant any offense I just thought that rule seeemed silly but hay ho that's sometimes the problem, their should be no gray areas in the rules but their are many.

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