The One Ring |
Centre Company for Gondor Army |
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Author: | Deldagnir [ Tue May 18, 2010 9:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Centre Company for Gondor Army |
I need a good company to hold my centre. I have a Gondor Army, I play calvary on one flank and Grey Company Allies on the other. But my Warriors of Minas Tirith are a bit weak at holding the centre, shall i use Citadel Guards, Fountain Court Knights or Osgilliath Veterans, which heroes shall I use with them? |
Author: | Keithio the Green [ Wed May 19, 2010 9:57 am ] |
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How come your Warriors of Minas Tirith are not working? I can't see anything else doing a better job. Afterall Minas Tirith Warriors have defense 7. You could always try Foot Knights of Dol Amroth since these are defense 7 aswell but have some extra stuff to help them out. |
Author: | General Elessar [ Wed May 19, 2010 3:21 pm ] |
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Osgiliath Veterans, maybe? |
Author: | ghost27 [ Wed May 19, 2010 4:15 pm ] |
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A 6 company strong formation of Warriors of Minas Tirith with Boromir or Aragorn always work well for me. |
Author: | Deldagnir [ Wed May 19, 2010 7:40 pm ] |
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I use Aragorn with the Grey Company on my flank and Boromir in an advanced attacking company. Osgiliath Veterans is a fair shout, who would you use them with, someone mentioned Cirion once, does he give them bonuses? Or perhaps the citadel guard with Beregond, don't think there's a relevant hero for the Fountain Court Guard |
Author: | Xelee [ Wed May 19, 2010 7:40 pm ] |
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I like Osgiliath Verterans.... as a way to 1. Pad out my army while I get things painted and 2. A 'Jack of All Trades' unit. However, Keithio the Green is right, WOMT as just as tough and much more points efficient. In WOTR, you can't stop a unit getting messed up, but if you have multiple units in the line you can outflank their attacking units by jumping the hero to another formation and doubling it around. |
Author: | ghost27 [ Wed May 19, 2010 10:47 pm ] |
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Perhaps a good one to try is Wardens of the Keys, they come with a hero and are a higher defense then even regular warriors of Minas Tirith. I know there are no models for them yet so I proxy them with Guards of the Fountain Court and in the one game I used them in they perform fairly well and are pretty tough. |
Author: | Thorin & Co. [ Thu May 20, 2010 1:51 am ] |
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ghost27 wrote: Perhaps a good one to try is Wardens of the Keys, they come with a hero and are a higher defense then even regular warriors of Minas Tirith. I know there are no models for them yet so I proxy them with Guards of the Fountain Court and in the one game I used them in they perform fairly well and are pretty tough.
I was planning on doing exactly this, but everyone said im crazy because they cost too many points. |
Author: | General Elessar [ Thu May 20, 2010 4:41 pm ] |
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Deldagnir wrote: Osgiliath Veterans is a fair shout, who would you use them with, someone mentioned Cirion once, does he give them bonuses?
Osgiliath Veterens automatically come with Cirion. |
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