The One Ring

2000 point Mordor
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Author:  Phalnax [ Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  2000 point Mordor

See White Dwarf 365 for the new rules on the Black Numenoreans and Morgul Knights. They can now be taken in a Mordor List. (Same rules as the Fallen Realms, and they can have a hornblower), and are common if The Dark Marshal is chosen as your leader, as he is in this list.

2000 point Mordor (1990 Points)
War of the Ring

Epic Heroes: 360


1 The Dark Marshal 125
1 Gothmog 110
1 The Betrayer 125

Legendary Formations: 325

1 Witch King on Fell Beast 325

Rare Formations: 200

1 Mordor Troll 100
1 Mordor Troll 100

Common Formations: 1105

Mordor Orc Warband 265
9 Companies, Captain, Banner, Shields
Morgul Knights 225
4 Companies, Commander, Banner Bearer
Morgul Knights 225
4 Companies, Commander, Banner Bearer
Black Numenorians 225
4 Companies, Marshall, Banner
Mordor Orc Warband 165
4 Companies, Bows, Captain, Banner

Author:  White Tower of Ecthelion [ Tue May 11, 2010 4:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Per my unfinished battle report "Corn for the White City", I played 2400 pts this last weekend and I can say, the Witch King on Fellbeast is a points sink.

I would rather
- have him on foot in a big block of something or
- another 9 company formation of orcs with shields, capt, banner, taskmaster
-or a 6 company formation of Morannon orcs with shields

But maybe you don't have those models or maybe you have the Witch King and want to use him. I get that.

A 4 company formation of orcs with bows and banner is not worth it. Maybe a captain when you need a point of might to move and shoot. Their shooting is Devlan Mud (5+) and without shields incoming shooting will tear them apart. D3

Better to take Grishnakh's Trackers ambushing in a piece of defensible terrain (preferably +2 or better Defense) and use the Take Aim for 3 turns to whittle down the heavy cav, take out bolt throwers etc

I would rather have them and regular Trackers - almost always in ambush - to get the better defense. Sure, you don't get as many shots, but they'll last longer. Besides, out in the open, you'll get a company taken off them pretty quick.

Hope this helps!

Author:  GodlessM [ Thu May 13, 2010 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd be included to ditch the Witch King and put the Dark Marshall up on the FB. Also, if you take 3 more companies on the big Orc block, they count as the Gorgoroth Horde and gain special rules.

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