The One Ring

Khamul, not as great as you think! Or am I missing something
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Author:  ferrumvir [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Khamul, not as great as you think! Or am I missing something

Hi All,

Everyone seems to think Khamul is great, but I no longer feel I'm getting value for money.

The opponents I play have discovered tactics that effectively reduce him to a magician.
    Don't shoot at his unit
    Don't get into combat unless you have a captain and Khamul has no might. Then call heroic Duel and butcher him.
    Use high courage armies
    Make me believe I would have sunk to the lowest of the low and never be able to look myself in the mirror, if I were ever to even mention deflecting hits from Strength from Corruption. There is only so low I'll stoop to win!

Which means that he's just a level 3 mage. I admit that he's still better value than Warpriests, given that he can jump units and can cast more spells, but the cost of Warpriests is a whole other thread!

But he's not better than any of the other Ringwraiths. Am I missing something?

Cheers Scott

Author:  hithero [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well just by being there in your own words he has you running around trying to avoid him or shooting at lesser priority targets and fielding more expensive high Courage units - so thats three advantages :)

Author:  Jayha85 [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

If there is a fighting hero on the board you should never use khamul's might for anything but an epic strike. This is his only defense against a hero like Boromir, and if you use it on something like a dice mod, or heroic action you just painted a huge target on his chest.
The other thing is you need to put him in a formation that can't be ignored. Depending on your strategy you could put him with a huge crew of Mordor orcs with two handers, or you could have him with something like Black Guard. If the opponent decides to just ignore him they're going to end up regretting it because either group can do some serious damage, and he's going to be flinging some nasty spells the whole time.
Having a captain in the group with him is kind of a must so you have a couple might to play around with (like I said his 1 might should only be used on an ES if there's a fighting hero on the other team) so you can improve dice results, or call heroic actions.

Author:  7Thunders [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gotta chime in on this one.

You definately want him in a unit that your opponent can not ignore.

I run him in a formation of easterlings,with a dragon knight as well. 8)
good times.

Now on the flip side. Is he the "Be all,End all" of evil armies everywhere? no,You can find plenty of ways to beat him just like any thing else in the game.

Try another ring wraith or even suladan the serpent lord for awhile and then come back to him when you have fresh tactics you want to try.

Author:  War_Illithid [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Also, if you also run Gothmog in your force and keep him within 12" of Khamul, you have a much larger store of might at your disposal to prevent opposing heroes slaughtering you in duels.

Author:  hero of gondor [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

looking to all the answers you really missed something khamul is great very strong and his rule is very nice and avoiding him don't help cause it is almost impossible to keep running in Wotr

ps: If he manages to avoid you cause strength from corruption on your own formation and place the hits on a other formation :-D

Author:  ferrumvir [ Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all the posts...

I'll take the use of might idea and save it for Epic Strike, when Dueled. That seems a no brainer.

At the moment my force is largely Easterling Infantry, hopefully the kataphracts (still in box waiting to be built!) will help giving them something they must deal with.

Cheers Scott

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