The One Ring

Best Choice of Nazgul for a Fellbeast?
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Author:  edonil [ Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Best Choice of Nazgul for a Fellbeast?

Simple enough really, just looking for opinions on who would be the best selection for a Nazgul on Fellbeast. I know the Witch-King's a good choice, and think that the Tainted might be fun, but I wanted the opinion of some other folk.

Author:  War_Illithid [ Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Witch-King is definitely a good choice on felbeast, although I would never use him on foot. Dwimmerlaik and the Tainted are both good choices as well, but some are just plain terrible. Some, like Khamul or the Dark Marshal, abilities are meant to be used with a formation and are just not very good when the model is solo.

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