The One Ring

artillary and accuracy bonus
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Author:  Lord Jimbo [ Sun May 10, 2009 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  artillary and accuracy bonus

as the title says do artilary pieces get accuracy bonus's. i would say no as that seems like it could be devastating. but i couldn't find any thing in the rules that disallowed it.

Author:  hithero [ Sun May 10, 2009 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good call. Can't see anything about it either except that the rules say"Artillery Companies can shoot, but do so in a different manner to other companies". It does seem reasonable that better trained crew will be more effective and they do have a shoot value.

Author:  Brutoni [ Sun May 10, 2009 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Difficult, however it does seem that a bonus for shoot value should be included...

Perhaps in the D6 + x dice, they shoot value could add to it... Ie for a hit of D6 + 4 a 4+ adds 1, a 3+ adds 2, a 6+ subtracts 1?

Its not increasing your chances to land the shot, but when the shot does land its going to do so with more effectiveness...

This seems the simplest way as it would carry easily enough to the avenger.

D6+5, D6+9. Hits respectively.

As it stands there are no rules for the extra bonus, i imagine GW will say that Artillery is to unwieldly to be aimed with any true skill (a cop out if ever i heard one!!)

Author:  Lord Jimbo [ Sun May 10, 2009 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah there should be a bonus because now aura of blinding light has no affect. but pall of darkness gives artillary a -1 seems kinda cheesey

Author:  Brutoni [ Mon May 11, 2009 12:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Lord Jimbo wrote:
yeah there should be a bonus because now aura of blinding light has no affect. but pall of darkness gives artillary a -1 seems kinda cheesey

I can see GW now... But darkness means they can't see it, whereas blinding light is a target...

Come on now guys, if your enveloped in what resembles the brightness of the sun you ain't gonna hit the barn door from 5 paces away.

Anyways, hopefully this will come in an erreta, White dwarf or FAQ.

We shall see, i do miss the old white dwarf with regular extra rules and army fluff etc. So many pictures and things now, not enough text. Though not as bad as it was 12 months ago... Anyways, Off topic

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