Last time I played this guy, he brought along a glorfindell lord of the west, I've got a game on Thursday. he alwase comes to WOTR games and he handles glorfy realy well! last game he slaughtered three trolls, a balrog and a three company formation of wargs! I have been seeking my revenge since.
I have made a few evil torney combos, with the knight of umbar on fell beast who has black dart to reduse his might, then black breath to get rid of his courage! Then with no courage left he will have to face the WR'S Combat Mimicry special rule, terror, and then, too rub dirt and salt into the wound, I will charg in the spectres and there sap strength special ability, the spectres are given might by gothmog and his overlord special rule! then I always have necromancer too fall back on, call it, wraith insurance, old glorfy wont know what hit him! then I have gurburze's, son of durburze's. goblin rangers too fall on, they have the fates cursed armour of Udun, Dwarfbane and morgul blades! Nobody expects the spanish inquisision, but nobody suspects a mob of goblins either! They will act as flankers, hiting the dwarves (where I come from gimili is a very popular epic hero) where it hurts! To deal with the infantry, I have 36 morannon orks, 24 mordor, three trolls, wargs, balrog, and a mumak to fall back on, plus I might dig out my old goblins (60 to be precise).