The One Ring

General Improvement Ideas
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Author:  Fëanor, the mighty elf [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  General Improvement Ideas

Hey guys,

This topic is meant for posting general ideas on how to improve the site (i.e. how to make Dagorlad have something to do now the new site is released, hehe.. :twisted: :wink: ).

I'll start off with some ideas of my own:

- Profiles
I think it would be very nice if the Username and the Avatar of people would be clickable and would lead to their profile. Currently, there is a button left below each post someone makes. I think it would be very intuitive if Usernames and Avatars would go to the profile as well.

- Homepage
Currently, we can see which topics are the newest and we can see if they got new replies. Personally, I would think it's a good idea to see the very latest replies (also on old topics) too.

- Unread Stickied Thread
When there is an unread reply to a stickied thread, now we see a slightly coloured parchment. Now the difference in colour between the unread one and the read one is hardly recognizable in my opinion. I think it would be nice if this was altered a bit to make it better visible.

So guys, start brainstorming!

(P.S. this thread is by no means made to criticise all work that you have done here, Dagorlad. I really appreciate it, even though I've been active in this community for a very short time. It's merely meant to help brainstorm on how to make this website even better. I also don't want to push you or anything, because I trust you are already busy enough.)

Author:  Constantine [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Feanor hi

In regards to your first idea I totally agree. It used to be like that in the old format and was very convenient. As far as your second idea goes I'll have to disagree. The home page would be filled with all the new replies while right now it's more compact and pleasant to the eyes.
I would love to give you my opinion about sticky threads, alas I don't know what a sticky thread is....

If I can make one suggestion, can we keep the Kirby icon permanently?

P.S. Initially I was skeptical about the new design. I found it too lavish. But by now I love it!!! It's so much better than the previous one.

Author:  Fëanor, the mighty elf [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Hi Constantine,
Thanks for your reply. About my second idea: now there are two places were you can see the new topics. One is in the middle right ("Recent Topics"), the other one is seen when scrolling down a bit under "Latest News". Now these give pretty much the same information (Latest News has a little more info). But if the Latest News one would be replaced by something like a "Latest Comments", it would be as compact as it is now, but it would have more useful information.

A 'stickied' topic is one that is set to remain on top of the forum at all times, just below the Announcements. The icon on the left is a rolled up parchment. Those are stickied topics and they are always on the top of the topics. This is usually because they contain valid information.

Author:  Dagorlad [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Thanks for doing this, it's a good idea.

I'll work on the read/unread sticky icons a bit more - the scroll icon looks great at 256x256 pixels, but loses a lot of definition when you shrink it down to 24x24.

And yes, I'd actually forgotten about the link behind the avatar/usernames - thanks for the reminder. An easy fix.

Author:  MacGothmog [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Any chance of having the article thumbnails back? And maybe a 'latest article' feature in the Homepage...

Author:  Dagorlad [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

I've added in the profile links on the avatar and user name. And you might notice that some of the rank icons are getting a make over too - the rest will come, but have to wait until I finish the new rank system.

The article thumbnails are on the way, same goes for an article link on the home page (and also the latest gallery additions). I just need to get a few other key things finished first.

Author:  MacGothmog [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

How about some eggs benedict? Im starving...

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

The new icons are nice! :yay:

I noticed 'Durin's Bane' still has the old icon though

Author:  Erunion [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

I am not very active in the chatbox, however, if there was an option to have it at the top of each screen, or perhaps in a sidebar on each screen, I would remember to check it and participate in the discussions more!

Just a suggestion.

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Dagorlad wrote:
you might notice that some of the rank icons are getting a make over too - the rest will come, but have to wait until I finish the new rank system.

Alan is the 1%.

Occupy One-Ring! Retake the Seventh level! :P

On a serious note, I'd like to second Erunion's idea to be able to put the chatbox in different places. I'd love to see it back on the side of my browser, though if that's not possible I'll understand.

Author:  Fëanor, the mighty elf [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Awesome! Thanks for the quick profile change! Also cool to see the new Admin logo. :)

Author:  Dagorlad [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Here are the images for the other ranks...


Author:  SidTheSloth [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

looks good! 8)

but what about hobbits?? :shock: :roll: :rofl: :lol:

edit: sorry about all the smileys - 5 smileys, 6 words - oops!

Author:  Dagorlad [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Show me a picture of a hobbit shield and I'll include it.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Dagorlad wrote:
Show me a picture of a hobbit shield and I'll include it.

Good point! :lol:

Perhaps a smoking pipe and a dinner plate?

I like the fact that you go from wayfarer to villager. Its as if the wayfarer has decided to stay and become a villager of the One Ring 8)

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

those titles look awesome 8) cant wait to see them rolled out.

Author:  Wah Wing [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

I like the new rank titles. Looking forward to them. 8)

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

Nice Rank Titles!

Concerning Smilies
I don't know who makes them, or if members can submit some in, it would be nice to have some new Middle-Earth characters in there alonside :aragorn: :frodo: and the rest of them. I wouldn't mind trying my hand at making some if they are good enough and also if I have the time to do so.

Concerning Signature
This is more of a "throwing it out there" insignificant suggestion rather than to be considered seriously. Because Dag you're already doing a ton for this site off of your time. But it would be amusing to have a "backlog collection meter", like I have, built into the signature as an option for members along with "current hobby projects" as well. Would set more of an organized feel in the community for members who would select those options in their signature or to the side below their avatar & other info and shouldn't take away from the # of characters allowed in an actual signature. There are already a few members that have undertaken these ideas manually in their sig. Would be cool to see them be taken as signature profile options, it concern's the member's hobby anyway which is the subject of this whole entire site.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

What about a magazine?

We tried this on TLA but it never really started due to inactivity. Perhaps we could start one here?

Author:  Dagorlad [ Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: General Improvement Ideas

I'm all for getting something like that going, if there's enough interest. But what was your thinking about how it should be published?

And did anyone consider copyright issues? A fan-supplement is one thing, but producing a regular magazine using Tolkien Enterprises' IP and images of GW's miniatures and the New Line movie characters would certainly attract the attention of corporate lawyers (and IP assistants).

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