Hi everyone.
I've added the galleries back, so everyone can now upload images of their masterworks of painting and terrain making! You can create up to four galleries of your own too.
Where to find them?At the top of the page, there's a new link called Gallery with an eye icon next to it. Click that and you'll see a new page where you can view other people's images and even comment on them. Link:
gallery/index.phpUploading images into your own galleryGo to your User Control Panel, you'll see a new tab titled Gallery. In there is a link to create your own gallery and upload images into it. You can upload 10 images at a time even! Link:
ucp.php?i=210Inserting an image into your postsThere's a new bbCode button added to enable you to insert a thumbnail into your forum posts:
Type [album]<image number>[/album] (replace <image number> with a real number.

Have fun!