I might as well take this as an oppurtunity to apologise as well for my recent behaviour. I haven't touched the internet in weeks (no access in sheepland) and I appear to have forgotten the friendly spirit with which I normally go around posting here. I was quite surprised when I returned, however, to find that dozens of reasonably new members had joined, who, unfortunately, didn't seem to realise that forums aren't for text-chat, they're actually meaningful discussion areas. All these little things built up until I took out my "disgruntlement" on the members here, most of whom I would normally get along perfectly with. It was wrong of me to do it here, on One-Ring: I should've joined the Palantir and done it there instead.

Hopefully, you'll see no more of my sarcastic remarks, and they'll soon fade back into proper, helpful,
complimenting remarks.