The One Ring

My terrain board
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Author:  Cave Dragon [ Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  My terrain board

So... I will be creating a system of interchangeable tiles after I finish painting my Mordor Orcs... Question is, what should I include? It will work in a system similar to the Carcassonne game, with all roads and rivers having their ends going to the center of the tile. There will also be some hill pieces, which will be either corners or the width of the tile. There will be stilts to hold up tiles to make a plateau top. So... What are key features you think should be added? A small farm house on one tile, a trench, woodland, or something else? I forget how many tiles I have, and I will verify the measurement, but I believe they are 1 foot by 1 foot. Please keep in mind I own a Mumak of Harad, so I will be making trees remove-able. Buildings will be made remove-able also, but will ft nicely in a custom groove.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My terrain board

Are there any scenarios you and your buddies are wanting to play? If yes, make terrain for them. If not, make terrain for your army. Ruined buildings are found all over Middle Earth and are easy to make. Harad buildings are pretty easy to make: windows are shuttered balsa and covered with drywall gap filler with flags or details painted on. Harad hills are covered with sand to make dunes. And everyone needs a river. In the desert, this might be of even more strategic importance.

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My terrain board

GreatKhanArtist wrote:
Are there any scenarios you and your buddies are wanting to play? If yes, make terrain for them. If not, make terrain for your army. Ruined buildings are found all over Middle Earth and are easy to make. Harad buildings are pretty easy to make: windows are shuttered balsa and covered with drywall gap filler with flags or details painted on. Harad hills are covered with sand to make dunes. And everyone needs a river. In the desert, this might be of even more strategic importance.

I have my armies built for Gondor, Rohan, small Isengard forces, and a large mordor encounter(with Haradrim and Mumak). Pretty open to scenarios, but large ones tend to be nice. As for buddies, still trying to find someone regular to play with, but have tested things on my own before to hone strategy. Have played several games with a friend, and have consistently played Osgiliath, but Ithilien is on tue list... So probably some woods, but your river comment got me thinking... Some bridges(destructible) and fords would be good additions... Probobly will make a couple of Harad buildings now, too. :)

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