The One Ring

building Ladders and simple seige towers.
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Author:  beanerboy [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  building Ladders and simple seige towers.

Hey, im planning on having a small seige game, and need around 10-12 ladders and 2 towers.

whilst i could buy from GW their Urks seige box, with 4 ladders, im not likerly to have a seige that often.

i have had a quick look in the articles and found one artivle on building a mordor seige tower. which was absolutly amazing! unfortunatly i dont have the ressources to build towers out of balsa wood etc.

so just after some addvice on what to use, how to build them quickerly and cheaply. (i have looked at using two penciles, and drilling holes into them to put some metal bars into them to join them together, but not sure if it will really work)

i will be using the warhammer castle (hopefully that helps with sizes etc)

thanks in addvance.


Author:  lotrscenerybuilder [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Beaner,

A few years ago I made a score of ladders out of match sticks and cardboard. I think that’s simpler than drilling holes and putting in metal spikes.
Here’s a picture – forget the mini’s, please (as they are probably a sacrilege here at OR). :oops:


Author:  Drumstick [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

ah i will look forward to see how it turns out... I've made my own ladders before but it was only out of thin strips of balsa wood. A siege is one of my favourite games especially since i have a large castle at my hands :-D Good luck with it & hope to see any progress.

Thank You

Author:  capitanmanu [ Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

:? Great image!!!

Thanks for imformation!

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