The One Ring

Batreps: The 2012 Dystopian Wars Pacific Campaign
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Author:  Xelee [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Batreps: The 2012 Dystopian Wars Pacific Campaign

Last year, we ran a Starwars based campaign, using BFG as the rules ( ... 20Campaign). That was a lot of fun but wound down once the Chiss admiral got far out ahead of us and we weren't able to catch up.

This year, we are giving it a try using Dystopian Wars, from Spartan Games. Hopefully the campaign manager will put up a campaign map soon, but in the meantime:

Dystopian Wars Campaign: Battle for Scientists' Eyrie

From the log of FSA Commodore Sheriden

January 2nd, 09:30 Hours: There it is, the lynchpin of this whole mess - a research facility on the Eyrie. Word from the Eggheads is that holding this rock will allow us a range of scientific benifits. At the strategy meeting with CINCPAC, we all were agreed that the potential for this to further improve the shielding of Dreadnaughts was most problematic. I have firm order that this rock must either be ours or a smoking pile of slag by the conclusion of battle. CINCPAC has released significant assets to my control.
With that madman Melchett reportedly returned to Britannia in disgrace, our erstwhile Kingdom of Britannia allies are at our side for this one. As expected, the Franco-Australians have two Dreadnaughts and the Blazing Sun have a whole swarm of those rocket launching Rotors and Bombers that gave FSS Constitution so much trouble in our last engagement. Strangely, despite their pledge of full-support, Melchett's former Flag - Dreadnaught HMS Thunder-child is absent from their fleet. I'll have to look into this after the battle is concluded.


Full report here: ... .html#more

Thanks for reading.

Author:  Xelee [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batreps: The 2012 Dystopian Wars Pacific Campaign

The campaign hasn't fared so well since my initial success. I've done my second turn: 900pts vs Jason's Empire of the Blazing Sun. I won the dice off and attacked the Mariana Islands so he chose the Coral Islands as his prize (it needs to be next to my target), should he win. The First turn report is here: ... or_16.html

Captain's Log - February 6 1870 13:00: We have encountered the Empire of the Blazing Sun en route from their base in the Mariana Islands. It is a sizable battlegroup, centered around a large Dreadnought class vessel, with a wave or rocket armed flyers and an as yet unknown model of heavy cruiser out on their left flank. With Sheridan heavily wounded from the Battle at Phoenix and Union, Commdore Eriksson is in command and has made the Battleship FSS Retribution his flag. Alongside, we have the unlucky FSS Constitution, three squadrons of Frigates and my squadron of Cruisers.


Full report here: ... .html#more
Updated campaign map is here: ... 3-map.html

Thanks for reading.

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batreps: The 2012 Dystopian Wars Pacific Campaign

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