The One Ring |
WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
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Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:38 am ] |
Post subject: | WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
This is my map campaign. Basically every game we play will contribute towards the changing map. Each army (british, german, soviet, italian and french) all have their own objectives. I didn't include the Americans because the French army will sort of count as the Americans as if they get defeated they will retreat to England and if they want to retake France like D-Day they take the American place. Just making it one army complicates things less. Plus I will be using American minies to represent the French as I don't have french models. The Italians will also have German models to represent them. The whole campaign will take ages to finish but I'll post a battle report each time something goes on. If a counter has a roman numeral on it it means that it is an army. The game starts in 1940, after the phoney war has finishes and Poland has fallen. THE STARTING POSITIONS ![]() 1940 FIRST MOVEMENTS ![]() -Two German armies attack France while Britain sends an army acros the channel to help her ally. ![]() -A German army attacks the nuetral countries of the Baltics ![]() -The Soviets invade the neutral countries of the Balkans ![]() -The Italians wishing to expand their influence in Africa has invaded British Egypt... and this is the battle of Cairo! BATTLE TURN 1 ![]() -After the end of turn 1 -Five objectives are the two trenches, the bunker and 2 buildings across the river ![]() -Italian mortars start off with a massive barradge and scatter the British lines causing many casualties, although many over heat. ![]() -The Italian anti-tank gun fails to damage the cromwells and machinegun fire is exchanged across the river. ![]() -An italian machinegunner overwatches the British lines ![]() -Italian troops are ready to take the British heavy mortars head on. ![]() -British trench troops stubbornly fireback and hold their position against the charging blackshirts. ![]() -Machineguns fire but to little avail. ![]() -Italian troops bracing for the oncoming British tank onslaught ![]() -Italian casualties at the end of turn one totalling at 5 and 1 vehicle ![]() British casualties at the end of turn one totalling 18 (two are not included here) thanks and stay tuned for the rest of the battle! |
Author: | Drumstick [ Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
brilliant! love it. Really dig the idea of the overall map campaign, very nice idea. Looks like you need quite an army to pull a campaign off like this. The terrain looks great along with the forces battling over every inch of the board. Does that first board double up as an Osgiliath board? Keep it up and I look forward to seeing the next clash - and not to mention the outcome on the world map. Drum |
Author: | Dagorlad [ Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
There is an inspiring story unfolding here and I look forward to seeing where it leads. Great work on the campaign idea and I am envious of the figures you've painted. I really need to pull my finger out and get some WWII figures done. |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:27 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Thanks guys! Yep the board was originally an Osgiliath board (which is why it has alot of the gondor style buildings) but I thought it'll make a nice ruined city for WW2 forces as well. |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Havn't finishted teh Egypt battle report yet but some other people in my club played a smaller game to represent the German invasion of the Balkans. No pictures sorry, but the Germans managed to beat the nuetral countries. Germans suffered 7 casualties and the Baltics suffered 12. First territory to fall to the Wermact. |
Author: | polarbird2 [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
really nice stuff you got there ![]() where abouts did you buy those tanks/trucks? |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:42 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Thanks! I bought them at armorfast. Very cheap! 2 in a box as well: |
Author: | Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
wow, first time i see armorfast and i love it, very cheap, good numbers in a pack and they look really detailed. |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:29 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
![]() Italians overrun the British trenches and house. ![]() Cromwells and Machinegun unleash their endless rain on fire cuasing mass casualties among the italians. (there used to be 10 troops next to that tank) ![]() The bunker ended with a draw as the Sniper and Rifleman face off. ITALIAN VICTORY With no where but the south to retreat, the British second army no longer able to take place in the War in Europe, they will turn southward to face the Italians in Abbysinnia (off the map) A galant victory for the Italians with 4 objectives taken and 1 drawn with non taken by the british. Although the Italians faced heavy losses, the army was still an effective fighting force. BRITISH THOUGHTS (me trying to remember what he said) Although I caused mass casualties in the city, my plan was to defend and just take the bunker. Although i rolled poorly alot and the italians got really lucky, i couldnt take the objectives. if the game were to continue my tanks would have rolled in and kiled alot more. ITALIAN THOUGHTS That all went to plan, i was abit annoyed when the british galantly defended the bunker resulting it in a draw (the last turn they really fought back hard) and the mistake I had was leaving my rifle squad with too limited cover in the city which resulted in all 10 men wiped out. I should have realised that realstically he wasn't goin gto take it and i could have had those 10 men invested in other areas. Hope you enjoyed my first complete battle report. Next up with either be the Soviet invasion of the Balkans or the massive battle of France! Stay tuned! |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
unfortunately the quality of the pictures are poor as my camera is not available at the moment so I had to use my webcam. ![]() French machinegunners unleash hell but because of their poor positioning fail to do any proper damage. ![]() The French force the Germans out of the farm with superior firepower but the Germans cling on to the edge. ![]() The Germans hold the hill with little competition. There were 3 objectives, bunker, farm and hill all placed in the middle. Basically at the start the germans parachuted in early on in order to slow the french down. They were sucessfull in doing this as they took out a tank and did slow down the French force so they could not react fast, although almost all of the parachutists were wiped out in this process. The hill was practically taken by the germans will little difficulty, the French were too slow in manovering to even come close to competing for it. The farm was in direct line of fire with their machineguns and were dominated by the French and is where the Germans suffered alot of casualties. Although the most epic battle was at the bunker. The germans took it at first but then the French stormed the bunker after destroying the outside defenses, the battle was down to 1 dice, if the Germans did not get that 1 dice roll then the French would have forced them out of the bunker. It was an emensly close battle but in the end it was yet another German victory. Three axis victories in a row, its starting to look alot like history. The casualties were about the same, except the Germans had less men so proportionally they were really low on men by the end of the game, it's only the amount of vehicles that hte Germans were able to overcome this weakness. The British are now France's last hope, if they mange to stop the Germans then a THIRD battle will be placed to see the final fate of France. |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:08 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Sorry no pictures, but just to let you know, the Soviet invasion of the Balkans went pretty badly for them. They have one more chance of redeeming themselves but it was an embaressing loss for them. Funnily enough, it echoed their historic humiliation against the Finns in the winter war. |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:22 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
UPDATE ARMY POSITIONS AND BATTLE SUMMARIES AT THE END OF 1940 (turn 1): ![]() -German Third Army takes the Baltics-minimal casualties -Soviet Army fails to take the Balkans-acceptable casualties. -Italian Army defeats the British Second Army-heavy casualties to both sides-British army now flees and will take 1 turn to reach the British Isles. -German First and Second Army defeat the French and British First army-acceptable casualties to both sides-British Army flees to Britain, French Army flees to Algeria. -TOTAL AXIS VICTORY ARMY MOVEMENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF 1941 (turn 2): ![]() -German First Army launches a cross channel attack on the British First Army in Britain. -French Army launches a cross mediterraean attack on nuetral Spain. -Soviet Army attacks the nuetral Balkans again. -German Second Army rests in France. -German Third Army rests and moves to Poland. -Italian Army rests and moves to Libya. |
Author: | Dead Marsh Spectre [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Fantastic!!!! |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:28 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Thanks! By the way, the French just took Spain very sucessfully, although by some really lucky roles they somehow managed to lose a tank! But otherwise it was a grand victory! |
Author: | Dead Marsh Spectre [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:30 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
pictures? |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:51 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Only two pictures, mainly to show off my new minefield, but here you go! ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Sun May 13, 2012 9:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
The Key decisive battle of 1941, the German invasion of Britain! ![]() Overview of the board. ![]() Both fighters speed on head to head. The German fighter manages to damage the Allied plane, who then quickly u turns and takes out the German wing, causing it to crash. ![]() British PIAT teams work together to take down the advancing German armour. ![]() A German Stug forces the British assault teams to retreat behind cover. ![]() German infantry storm the beaches filled with barbed wire and mines and take heavy casualties. ![]() The half track has been broken down due to British PIAT teams and the bailed out team are now sitting ducks. ![]() The British heavy anti-tank gun works hard to try hit the tanks but due to poor deployment, miss most shots. ![]() The British assault team forces the German fallschirmjager out of the objective. ![]() Officers and radios safely guarded in the bunker direct the British army against the German onslaught. ![]() View from the bunker window ![]() The German armor succesfully penetrate the first line trenches and are facing against stubborn British machineguns while the German infantry massacre their opposing riflemen. ![]() View of the German advancement from the bunker. ![]() A German fallschirmjager squad lands behind enemy lines and destroys the heavy mortars before they even get a chance to fire. Aftermath: British victory! Extremely close game, both armies suffered huge casualties with both the German First and British first army no longer being effective offensive forces. The Germans were able to take most the country side with their paratroopers. The American plane (i don't have a British one yet) managed to both destroy the German plane and stopped the paratroopers from ambushing the British troops in the middle and saved the British centre defenses. The British rifles suffered an absolute massacre. About 90% of them were killed due to powers of the German armour (and the german crashing plane happened to hit them right in the trenches) Although the Germans managed to penetrate the centre trenches, they could not take the bunker at all and the British machine gunners miraculously survived and had enough men to hold the right trench. But the most important of all was the British assault troops and PIAT teams. They delayed the German armour (if they had another turn the armour would have enough power to take down the bunker) and assault troops provided as numbers to hold the centre objectives. Summary ![]() -Contrary to 1940 (all axis victories) 1941 represented all allied victories, a major morale boost. -The French took Spain with minimal casualties. -The Soviets finally after their 4th attempt took the Balkans with acceptable casualties. -The German first army failed to take Britain with both the Germans and British first armies taking major casualties. The Beginning of 1942 (third turn) ![]() Army movements, this is the last turn that the axis will be able to go first. ![]() The German Third Army has attacked the Soviet Union where the Soviet army is not stationed. The odds are facing the Germans. ![]() The Italians are making a cross Mediterranean landing to take the Balkans away from the Soviets, this shall be the Soviet Army's first big encounter. ![]() The German Second army is determined to drive the French off mainland Europe. I forgot to take a picture of this, but the incredibly depleted German First Army is taking a suicide mission to Britain again, (who now has 2 armies stationed there, the second British army has now arrived from their defeat in Egypt in 1940) This was purely done to prevent an allied landing in France and to buy time for the Germans to quickly get rid of the French to avoid a surrounding. |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Sorry no pictures, but the German Third army just captured the Soviet Union. The Soviet Army is now trapped in the Balkans. If it is defeated by the invading Italians then the Soviets will be eradicated from the war. |
Author: | generalripphook [ Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:28 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
I am loving all tha tyou have done here and i was wondering what game this is? It looks amazing |
Author: | Sticky Fingersss [ Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:32 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WW2 has begun! Battle Report! |
Thanks! It is a game I have made with my friends. As we go along we ajust rules slightly and it becomes more and more balanced. It has bits of pieces of 40k, flames of war and our own touch to it! UPDATE -The French have successfully defended Spain from the German attack! It was an extremely close battle. Turn one had a lot of casualties but turn 2 and 3 were just about movements and the French outmaneuvered the Germans and took the objectives! I will try and upload pictures in the next couple of days. |
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