The One Ring

My Fellowship/Repainting WIP - Updated 30/10/13
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Author:  ChrisC [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  My Fellowship/Repainting WIP - Updated 30/10/13

Hi all! I've already posted examples of my non-LotR work, and thought it is time to share my beloved LotR miniatures.

I'm not a huge fan of painting, in fact I consider it the worst part of the hobby. However, I'm somewhat OCD about my collection in that I'll never play with miniatures that aren't painted, and I won't farm out my miniatures but paint them myself. Sometime this means going months between games, as it takes a lot to motivate myself to paint, but it all feels worthwhile in the end.

As i dislike painting so much, all my paint schemes conform to the following:

a: Minimum of effort and colours required.
b: No more than spray undercoat -> block paint/drybrush -> wash -> 1 highlight.
c: No layering, shading, two brush, etc. Simple easy steps.
d: Anything more than an hour per mini is no go, I'll get bored!
e: Weathering with a Tamiya drybrush stick.
f: Drybrush as much as possible on a black undercoat.

The following fellowship miniatures have been stripped, and repainted this week to my new standards. I'm actively in the process of stripping all the metals I did ten years ago and redoing my entire collection from scratch, while doing my best to add washes and touch ups to my plastics. I was 13 when the Fellowship of the Ring was released, and boy did it show in my early painting!

The fellowship has been painted with a new technique I've learned from a good friend who does Ebay commission work. Basically, block paint -> wash -> highlight as normal, once you've finished your final highlight, drybrush the entire model with a very dry white, then wash the entire model again. It seems to have come off alright, what do you think?

I'm relatively new to the site, and couldn't seem to find just a "finished miniatures" board, so I'm guessing complete photos that aren't WIP's go here?











And the two white wizards to follow up.



Author:  crixalis [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

For someone who dislikes painting so much and has gone for a simple scheme... I'm impressed that you've still come out with very effective looking models. Gandalf's face is great!

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

The fellowship looks pretty good, but the white wizards show the limitations of the method. I'd say you should give army painter quickshade a try, I've seen some brilliant results with it. All you do is paint one solid layer for each colour and dip the model in the can ... ?videoid=2

Author:  Bilbo [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

I think the fellowship are effectively painted, and I like the grime from Moria look that unifies the group! I too never play with unpainted miniatures as I think that they look terrible on the games table.

Author:  JamesR [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

I think your fellowship looks very good, I'm actually the opposite I love the painting the most, although I very much enjoy gaming too, my only problem is I'm slow and always put my best effort into every single model, so I end up with a great looking army but it takes forever lol

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

^Much like you JamesR except I don't put my best effort into every single model otherwise I'll never complete my backlog.

You have a certain style to your painting ChrisC, I like. Its like it's gritty.

Author:  ChrisC [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

Thanks for the kind words all.

@Gene Parmesan: these have actually been stripped down from Quickshaded miniatures. I originally planned to touch up and dip all my old miniatures, but hated the results.

@Sacrilege83: I try to incorporate that realism/grittiness into all of my miniatures. It's something I worked on for my ACW Confederates, where pretty much all available reports say the uniforms lasted about a week before dust from marching, mud from sleeping out in fields and general wear and tear made each soldier look like a beggar.

I can't believe anyone other than an elf in middle earth could have kept their uniforms clean while on campaign.

Author:  CaptainOfTheWhiteTower [ Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

I think given the limitations you place on your painting the Fellowship looks superb.

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

I actually really like how these have turned out considering you don't like painting.

Author:  rumtap [ Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

I like the 'dirty' style. Very gritty, well done.

Author:  edge67 [ Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

I agree - I really like the gritty style and am impressed by what you achieved with your simple method. Well done!

Author:  ChrisC [ Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship

Cheers all.

Just nabbed the Balins Tomb display piece from the old BGIME subscription package off of Ebay for £12, so going to paint that up next and get a proper photo done, then put them in my display cabinet :)

Author:  ChrisC [ Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship/Collection repainting WIP - Updated 30/10/

Having completed my Fellowship project, I'm now looking at something else to move onto. I've decided to completely repaint my entire collection up to my new standards. Heroes will be finished to a similar level as the above Fellowship models, plastics will be finished to a wash -> skin highlight tabletop standard.

As most of my collection is years old plastics, they're in a despicable condition. I started the SBG aged 13 as my first 'real' tabletop collection that wasn't a hand-me-down from my older brother. I was one of those kids at the GW store. Always pestering the redshirts to help me paint, while stubbornly arguing over things like my miniatures definitely not needing an undercoat.... Many thanks must go to Ron, the local GW Chelmsford manager who stayed so patient with me over the years and taught me how to, if not enjoy, at least appreciate my painting.

All of my collection will go through the following process.

1: Airbrush a black undercoat over the old paintjob, as I don't want to lose plastic miniatures to a stripping mistake.
2: Block paint.
3: Liberal wash of P3 'Armour Wash', my preferred black wash.
4: Highlight skin.
5: Base - Plastics finished.
6: Further highlight for heroes.

Ideally, each miniature will take no longer than 30-45 minutes each, obviously not including drying time.

First up, is my Dwarf Rangers. Photographed next to a 'finished' miniature from the mists of time (well, ten years seems ages!)





Led by Gimli


Group shot, a little bit over-bright though.


These were all finished in around 6 hours painting time. 14 Rangers, a warband of 12 with two extras for when I don't wish to take the two two-handed axe users.

Coming soon: Dwarf Warriors!

Author:  Bilbo [ Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fellowship/Collection repainting WIP - Updated 30/10/

Sounds like a plan! I would however say that spending a bit of time on army generals etc is well worth the work when they are done.

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