Ok, here's how I painted my ranger. To start, I used a mixture of Vallejo Game Color ( VGC ) and GW paints ( both old and new ). I can't remember all of the paint names off the top of my head, but I'll do my best. I may also refer to some of the GW paints by their old names, I've never taken the time to try and relearn them.
Anyway, I started by undercoating it with black. For the dark green parts I used a basecoat of VGC Dark Green. I don't know if it's the bottle I got, but this particular color doesn't have great coverage, and is in general a pain to work with. If you can, I would recommend using GW's Dark Angels Green or whatever it's called now. To highlight I mixed in some VGC Sick Green with Dark Green in increasing amounts until it was about an equal mix. Then I added a touch of Fortress Grey for the final highlights.
For the tunic thing I gave it a basecoat of a mix of VGC Cayman Green and GW Graveyyard Earth. I just eyeballed how much green to add until I got the shade I wanted. To highlight I added increasing amounts of GW Karak Stone. A final highlight was given by adding a little bit of GW Bleached Bone to the mix.
All of the brown parts were painted basically the same. I started with a basecoat of VGC Charred Brown. I shaded this a bit by mixing some black in with the brown with some water and basically washed all the parts that were just basecoated. Next I added VGC Dark Flesh in small amounts to the Charred Brown until I was using pure Dark Flesh. Then I mixed in a little bit of Bleached Bone ( I think ) to the Dark Flesh as a final highlight. For the leather I gave those a few extra washes with an orange and brown wash, but that's optional.
The Red trim was given a basecoat of Charred Brown as well. I then went over that with a 50/50 mix of Charred Brown and VGC Scarlet Red. Then I highlighted it with pure Scarlet Red, followed by a 50/50 mix of Scarlet Red and VGC Bloody Red, then pure Bloody Red.
The black was done by adding small amounts of Fortress Grey to black, being careful to take my time and make sure the transition wasn't to sharp.
For the skin I gave it a basecoat of white, followed by Charred Brown. I then covered most of that with a 50/50 mix of Charred Brown and VGC Tan, and then added in small amounts of GW Elf Flesh until I was using pure Elf Flesh. If you want to add more color you can glaze the shades with GW Leviathan Purple, or their red glaze, or both.
For the gold I started with a basecoat of GW Auric Armour Gold, then highlighted with GW Gehenna's Gold. The final highlights were done by mixing in a small amount of GW Chainmail Silver with the gold, and then Chainmail Silver at the very brightest parts.
I can't really remember how I painted the sword, but I think it was a basecoat of Chainmail Silver, then shaded by mixing in some black, and highlighted with GW Mithril Silver.
I hope this is helpful, I don't do this kind of thing often so if there are any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them!
Here are some pics of another Rohan Warrior. Nothing special, but it was fun.
Please let me know what you guys think! I'm also still interested in any thoughts you guys have of my Royal Guard, so feel free to share those as well.