The One Ring

Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?
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Author:  polywags [ Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

I am thinking about running Iron Hills at an upcoming tournament, first in my region, pretty excited! And I am just curious to if anyone has any tips for the dwarfs, list related or otherwise?

I haven't played a ton but I am not a totally noob to SBG or wargaming. I've pretty much only played elves so far, Mirkwood elves and old wood elves but very little playing dwarves.

It's pretty low points, 500, so low numbers, probably no balista or goat riders, probably. I am thinking of taking some crossbows, Dain and a Goat mounted captain, two warbands 23ish models.

How should I be using the Iron Hills army rule? Deployment, picking fights ect.

Any thoughts, advice for a first time long beard?

Author:  DaínIronfoot [ Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Hi P,
Check out this link. It’s full of tactics, tips, do’s and don’ts concerning the Iron Hills dwarves. Again, I want to thank you for your reply to my Mirkwood elves topic. I hope my reply can help you as yours helped me. Cheers!

The link; ... s-dwarves/

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Do you know what scenarios will be played? Ideal deployment and use of terrain massively depends on these, especially in a less flexible force like the Dwarves (less flexible in that they are slow, low in numbers and ideally kept in a tight formation, so they don't like having to walk far or splitting up in many groups).

Author:  polywags [ Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Domination, Recon, Lords of Battle.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Ouch, that's not an ideal list.

Domination can be ok, depending on the enemy force I'd put a few crossbows on your home objectives and hold the centre with the rest. The crossbows should hopefully see off any enemies that advance upon them, be it by shooting or in combat. If your opponent does the same, one of your mounted heroes could easily take down the few enemies guarding their objectives, although taking just a few normal goats could be advantageous to allow the heroes to stay with the main force (small as it will be).

Only good news for Recon is that the Iron Hills special rule may help you arrive on time. You'll lack the speed to get to the enemy edge quickly, while having too few numbers both to walk more guys off, as well as to block the length of the board to stop the enemy from doing so. If the enemy splits up, your heroes may again have to do most of the heavy lifting by taking out isolated figures. You lack the might to march a lot, and I imagine your best bet is to hunt down enemy heroes with Dain (few opponents will be able to deal with him at this points level) to prevent them doing so as well. Best option is likely to plug gaps in terrain and stop the enemy from getting through. Crossbows won't be great here, a few goats could again be useful to have some points for escaping.

Lords of Battle. Fantastic. Few points to give away, and all are hidden behind very tough troops. The deadly Dain and the Iron Hills captain with his potentially free heroics would be great at taking down enemy heroes, regaining Might and then annihilate quite some troops each turn.

As said, a tough few missions lined up there, but I'm sure they'll provide a fantastic learning experience at the very least.

Author:  polywags [ Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Yeah I figured it probably wouldn't be great but what better opportunity to bust out new toys?

Warband 1 10/12
Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills with War Boar;
5 Iron Hills Dwarf with Shield;
2 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Shield;
3 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Crossbow;

Warband 2 11/12
Iron Hills Captain with War Goat; War spear; Shield;
4 Iron Hills Dwarf with Shield;
3 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Shield;
4 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Crossbow;

This is the list I am considering at the moment. I feel like i'd be hard pressed to get in a goat but sounds like it could be worth, even taking one maybe?
That all mostly makes sense. What dwarves good at? What army lists in particular are gonna be particularly tough match ups?

I can drop 4 dwarves to pick up 2 goat riders. Worth it? Such low numbers lol.

Author:  DaínIronfoot [ Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Check out this link: ... s-dwarves/
It’s got lots of tactics and do’s and don’ts for the Iron Hills dwarfs.
I hope it helps!

Author:  infinateremains [ Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

You could always run an Erebor Reclaimed list as opposed to Iron hills as you're not taking anything too fancy:

Warband 1 9/12
Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain with War Goat;
3 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Shield;
2 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Crossbow;
4 Iron Hills Dwarf with Shield;
Warband 2 9/12
Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills with War Boar;
3 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Shield;
2 Iron Hills Dwarf with Spear; Crossbow;
4 Iron Hills Dwarf with Shield;

20 models 6 might 4 crossbows

This way Thorin is also doubling as a much needed banner in your force and the addition of spears on the crossbows means you can support after your done luring in the enemy with crossbow fire. I would recommend watching Devin's How to buy Iron Hills on the DCHL Youtube channel for some tactical advice too.

Author:  polywags [ Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Yeeeah, that would probably be good. I don't really have a thorin gtg at the moment. The banner effect is awfully goofy though.

I did watch that actual! That's sorta what spurred this endeavor ;p

Author:  DaínIronfoot [ Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Here, use this link. I hope it helps with the tactics!
Link: ... s-dwarves/

Author:  polywags [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Thanks buddy!

Author:  DaínIronfoot [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Lol I’m new here so I did not know that your post has to be approved before anyone else can see it so I posted the same thing multiple times ... Don’t mind me

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills/Dwarf Tactics?

Im guessing this is done. How did it turn out?

I just used one warband of Iron Hills for the first time ever today.

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