Hello guys, I am hoping to start a Hobbit campaign that will lead onto a LOTR campaign. However, I am also going to include scenarios that, although they do not take place in either books, influence the story. This campaign will be based on the book, rather than the films.
For example, in the Hobbit, it is mentioned that the eagles saved Thorin's Company from the pine trees because Gandalf saved the Lord of the Eagles from a poisoned arrow.
I was hoping to create a scenario to represent this event. The impact would be, if Gandalf successfully rescues the Lord of the Eagles, the Eagles will help Gandalf in just the same way that they do in the book.
If not, Thorin's Company, will not be rescued from the eagles whilst atop the pine trees. The Eagles will not arrive at the Battle of the Five Armies. Gwaihir will not rescue Gandalf from Orthanc if he is defeated by Saruman. Gandalf will not be collected from Zirak-Zigil by Gwaihir and the Eagles won't arrive at the Black Gate. Meaning, whether Sam and Frodo, complete their task or not, they will perish.
I was jus wondering if anybody might have some input as to how this scenario would work?
Many thanks