The One Ring

Heroic march on mumakil: Can it trample or not?
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Author:  OverlordShepard [ Thu May 14, 2015 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Heroic march on mumakil: Can it trample or not?

After reading another post/threat (stopping the mumak with magic http://, I was wondering, can you indeed use a heroic march to make the mumaks trample reach that little bit further?

Draugluin wrote:
The Heroic Trample is a bit more difficult, because it doesn't actually charge, it just stops and fights if it doesn't kill someone. It does say that "the Mumak stops (exactly like a charging model would) and will fight the enemy as normal in the Fight phase." That parenthetical could be taken 1 of 2 ways: 1, it is in fact charging because it's doing the exact same thing, or 2, that means that it is different from a charging model, it just behaves the same way.

This quote made me construct this threat. I was wondering what your opinion is, is trample indeed charging, or is it just a form of moving the model around. My opinion is that you can, as the rules say that you "move" the mumak up to 8 inch/20cm, while ignoring controle zones. As you need a controle zone to charge(am I right about this through?),I think the heroic march is actually legit to use for a mumaks trample.

Author:  Michaelc [ Sat May 16, 2015 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Heroic march on mumakil: Can it trample or not?

To *move* further I would say maybe.
To trample models, good or evil, I would say no.

The wording of trample predates the updated Hobbit rule book in which Heroic march was introduced.

I would have to say the from the "spirit of the game" POV, the intent of the designers regarding Heroic March seems clear - a model can move further but at the *COST* of NOT being able to initiate base to base combat.

In the absence of a FAQ explicitly granting the Mumak an exemption (in a similar fashion to it's clearly worded immunity to knockdowns effects for example), allowing it to heroic march while killing models in base to base seems to violate the cost the designers intended to allow the extra movement.

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