I just wanted to make sure we played this right, because we had a crushing victory on the good armies this weekend. also 4 questions.
I had the knight of umbar onf armoured fell beast charge gil-galad on horse. with a counter charge of two eagles that trapped the knight.
The fell beast had 2 attacks, the knight copy's -gil galads fight&attacks, so has 3 + 1 for the charge. A total of 6 attacks.
the eagles and gil galad threw a 6 , so did the knight. becouse the figh value 9 was equel, we threw a dice to determine the winner. The knight won and gil galad, was knocked prone (with or without horse?) and trapped.
so double to wounds, 12 dice. He was very dead.
(8 dice str 4 from knight)
(4 dice str 6 from fell beast )
I was amazed be the power the knight of umbar has in this, and just wanted to check if all was correctly played.
If so, he is the most potential fighting ringwraith there is, with the copying of stats, and his fell beast he will most times have enough dices to throw a six and a fight value to always have a 50% winning change. not to mention he doesn't loose will if he wins.
I also wonder :
1 .In this scenario would the ealges been knocked prone to ?
2. If William(biggest troll) wins the fight with an eagle can he trow him? if so, is it knocked prone ?
3. although nowwhere mentioned, oppenents had the idea that monsters that fly, cannot be trapped ( like the eagle ) We ruled that for that specific game the eagles incl the fell beast couldn't, which was ok, but I am curious about the true rules. so, can they be trapped when surrounded or in combi with question 1, knocked prone be trapped ?
4. other question : A troll fights a rivendell knight captain and he wins. His first strike is against the horse, which dies. Does the troll get the change to double his remaining 2 strikes against the knight who is thrown from his horse, or does he place his other 2 strikes before the rider is thrown and so the order in which I place strikes does not matter.
appreciate the answers !