I'm not sure the F6 or all those 3s are warranted. He's not Aragorn, nor Eomer, but he is a good leader. The special rule reflects that, but the rest seems too potent.
Just for comparison, here's one I created a few years ago scaled more to the old profile. I think my special rule is probably too complicated, but I think yours should be available more than once per game:
Theoden, King of Rohan
F S D A W C M W F Pts
4/- 3 6 2 2 5 3 0 2 60
Theoden was the last King of Rohan in the 3rd Age. While he spent years under the will and seduction of Grima Wormtongue (servant of Saruman), his mind was freed by Gandalf and he rose again to lead his people to glory. Though an old man with failing strength, Theoden is still a potent leader.
Wargear: as king, Theoden has access to the best equipment and horses. He wears heavy armour, and wields his ancient sword (hand weapon). He may take the following equipment at additional cost:
Shield 5 points
Lance 5 points
Mearas 10 points (moves 12")
Armoured Mearas 15 points (moves 12")
Special Rules:
Expert Rider: (see main rules)
Rohirrim: Gain +1 to Fight score when charging
Fire and slaughter!: Theoden is an inspiring leader of the moment. Whenever he spends a point of Might on a heroic move, his Fight and Strength, and the Strength of any models involved in “With Me!”, are increased by 1 for the duration of the turn. As well, whenever he spends a point of Might on a heroic combat, his Fight and Strength, and the Strength of any models involved in the fight, are increased by 1 for the duration of the turn. These effects are not cumulative if he calls both in the same turn. The increase in Fight is cumulative with the Rohirrim special rule.