Boromir +galadriel protectress of lorian. Not cheap but a fun combo. Or galadriel POL and the king of the dead. Again, not cheap but the ability to drop the courage of your opponents, who already have a low courage, then utilizing boromir or the king of the dead's courage focused special abilities. Very fun.
OP good heroes. Still think boromir cotwt is a great option. But hands down, any set of "twin" heroes. Heroes like elledan and elrohir or murin and drar. For some reason, when you take those twin heroes they just, clean, up the battle field.
I also think legolas, haldir and drar combined is great. 3 minis, 7 shots, yes please! Though cool, not really OP. That too is an expensive combo.
Gimli is another good contender for OP. For less than 100 points you get 4 atks. 1 throwing and 3a once the fight actually starts. A solid dwarf defense and a stellar fight value.
Rohan outriders. For 1 extra point you get better shot and courage PLUS you get their vanguard ability. So great! Love those rohan rangers
Second to last, good old woodelves w/ throwing weapons. For 2 more point than a corsair you get throwing weapons and an impressive stat array. I'm telling you, throwing weapons are where its at.
And finally, Arathorn. I've used him once, and to my surprise, he is a very potent budget hero. At 5d he is a little soft, but 3 might and 3a with a 5f certainly makes up for the squishy. His profile is fitting for his tale too. A stalwart hero, destined to die.
Okay, now i don't know if i'm talking about op good guys or just bragging about my favorite minis in the game.