The One Ring

Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame
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Author:  Shieldmaiden [ Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame

So I had an idea for a sorta Gladiator/Last Man Standing/Arena combat based minigame for LotR that you can play on your own if you so desire. I got the idea after replaying the palantir levels on the PS2 games.

Last Man Standing wrote:
Basic Rules

* The game takes place in an 18" diameter circle - if you have circular walls by all means use them, but otherwise simulate the edges with any terrain you have.
* The Good player can take up to 350 points of heroes, no more than 3 Characters.
* The Heroes start in the centre of the arena.
* The Evil player does not have an army list like normal - instead, they send on troops in waves after a set amount of turns have elapsed. I'd say after 4 turns for the first wave, and 3 turns for the waves after that.
* The Evil player's allocation increases like so:
100 pts
200 pts
300 pts
500 pts
* Alternatively, you can play it with increasingly deadly warbands, eventually sending two or more warbands on at a time.
* A themed increase works well - 8 Goblins, 16 Goblins, 12 Goblins + Cave Troll, etc

Special Rules

* The waves of enemies do not need to have a hero leading them.
* If a model is up against the walls of the arena it counts as trapped.
* If you like, you can add in a 'replenishing' moment for your heroes, such as after 10 turns they may replenish M/W/F by 1.
* After every 10 turns, why not have a 'Boss' level - facing a Troll Chieftain, a couple or Wraiths, or even a Dragon! The M/W/F restoration could be a reward for beating the 'Boss'.
* The turn/wave limit can be set by the player.

What do you think? Probably needs work, but I like the basic premise. Would make a throne of skulls type ordeal a little more interesting - perhaps two players could be facing heroes off against each other Gladiator style, but have to work together to defend from the incoming waves? Would lead to some devious tactics!

Author:  martinusv [ Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame

looks nice I always like these minigames
especially with a nice arena this would be awesome


Author:  Martinus [ Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame

This sounds realy fun Like you said this might be a fun multi player game play.

Might actualy try this sometimes :)

Author:  RedSquad [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame

Martinus wrote:
This sounds realy fun Like you said this might be a fun multi player game play.

Might actualy try this sometimes :)

Me and my friends did this except you were defending a town from endless enemys and more came every turn, but we had it were you had 400 points, I'll see if I can find were we put the scenario :)

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame

that is a really cool idea!
once i get my camera fixed i'll do a battle report (though perhaps with a few more points for the defenders)

what if the attacker just sent in endless wraiths?
repeated imobilising = three smashed heroes

Author:  Chris GoM [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame

Great idea Shieldmaiden! :yay: Definitely going have to try this out (hopefully with a battle report), probably with Balin and a pair of Dwarf Captains, although Gil-Galad, Glorfindel and Rumil sounds really tempting (I really liked the RotK game too)

Author:  Tabletop_heroes [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Man Standing - SBG Minigame

Me and my friends did this except you were defending a town from endless enemys and more came every turn, but we had it were you had 400 points

I've had the idea similar to this, like a Magnificent Seven type game. Seven random heroes and a group of Hobbits defend the village from the evil horde....

The original Last Man Standing sounds a cool idea too, like it's been said if the arena looks good it'd be an enjoyable multi player :) But maybe replenish your heroes M/F/W after 10 kills rather than 10 turns.... Like the idea of the evil opponents getting tougher and tougher in each wave. A bit like MW3 :)

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