The One Ring

New Rivendell Units
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Author:  Shieldmaiden [ Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  New Rivendell Units

So Rivendell desperately needs some new units to bulk it out a little. It'd be wrong to give them lances, or go down the route GW goes down, wherein they give every army the same bloody strengths and weaknesses available.

So I've narrowed it down to Cavalry and Infantry.

EDIT #1 - whafrog's suggestions

High Elf Cavalry 16pts
F 5/-
S 3
D 5
A 1
W 1
C 5

Wargear: Elven Cavalry wear Heavy Armour and carry spears and a hand weapon. The may ride an armoured horse with D5 for 3pts - the whole warband must take the same horse. They may be given a shield for 1pt.

Special Rules

Masterful Riders: Due to the care that the Elves give to their steeds, whenever a heroic move or a heroic combat is called by the leader of an Elven Rider warband, all Riders within range are granted an additional 2" of movement, giving them a 12" move for this purpose.

Awe-inspiring sight: All Riders of the warband count as Terrifying when charging, regardless of who has priority.

Rivendell Scout 17pts
F 5/3+
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 5

Wargear: A Rivendell Scout rides a horse and wear armour. He carries a hand weapon and an elven bow.

Special Rules:

Scout Ahead: Rivendell Scouts must form their own warband, led by a Rivendell Scout Veteran, Elladan and Elrohir, or Glorfindel. Your force may include no more than one warband of Rivendell Scouts. In addition, RIvendell Scouts are only affected by the heroic actions of their warband's leader.

Expert Huntsmen: Rivendell Scouts may move a full 10" and shoot in the same turn.

Rivendell Scout Veteran (Hero) 65pts
F 5/3+
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 5
M 2
W 1
F 1
Wargear: A Rivendell Scout Veteran rides a horse and wear armour. He carries a hand weapon and an elven bow.

Special Rules:

Scout Ahead: Rivendell Scouts must form their own warband, led by a Rivendell Scout Veteran, Elladan and Elrohir, or Glorfindel. Your force may include no more than one warband of Rivendell Scouts. In addition, RIvendell Scouts are only affected by the heroic actions of their warband's leader.
Scout Veteran: A Veteran may alter the result of a deployment roll by 1 pip up or down for free. In addition, a Veteran may call a heroic move once per game for free, but may not use it to charge. Only one Veteran may be deployed in an army.
Expert Huntsman: Rivendell Scouts may move a full 10" and shoot in the same turn

High Elf Militia

High Elf Militia are the civillians who make up the Elven population of Eriador. Though few in number, they will gladly band together to defend enemy incursions.

High Elf Militia use the same basic profile as a Wood Elf Warrior. They may take only an Elf Bow, Elven Blade, or Spear. They may not take a Shield or a Armour/Heavy Armour.

What do you think? I tried to keep them balanced by making their Special Rules not too extravagent, and by giving their cheap infantry a few limitations.

Author:  whafrog [ Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Rivendell Units

Cool ideas! IMHO a few things need tweaking, but I like the concepts and theme, and they're not overpowered.

High Elf Rider: too pricey. A Galadhrim Knight is only 18 points with an armored horse...exactly the same profile except D4, with perma-speed and Expert Rider. Expanding the extra movement rule to include heroic combats would make it worth more, and still be less than 1/2 as effective as the GotGC rule. The terror rule could be simpler: rider gains Terror on a turn they charge, which is less than 1/2 as effective as the Morgul Knight rule. Taken together I think you could charge 19 points for the whole profile with armored horse, +1 for a shield. This makes them only a touch more expensive than KoDA, without the lance and banner effect.

Rivendell Scout: again, too pricey, especially considering they have a normal horse (6 points) vs an armored horse (9 points), and have limits on warband formation. 17 or 18 points max, IMHO. For the Scout Ahead rule, what about adding Gildor as a possible leader? He'd need a horse option though.

Rivendell Scout Veteran: elf captains are expensive. Here's an opportunity to create a cheaper hero that has an effect on deployment. How about:
Veteran 65pts
F 5/-
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 5
M 2
W 1
F 1
Wargear: armour, elf bow, and horse. A Veteran may alter the result of a deployment roll by 1 pip up or down for free. A Veteran may call a heroic move once per game for free, but may not use it to charge. Only one Veteran may be deployed in an army.
Expert Huntsman...

Author:  Shieldmaiden [ Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Rivendell Units

Thanks for the costing advice - I don't have any rulebooks to hand, and haven't played since Mines of Moria, so I'm stabbing in the dark a little!

I'll put your suggestions on board then, as I really think they're good suggestions. :)

I left in the distinction between the High Elf Cavalry's Special Rules - I thought having both for one unit would be overpowered, and I don't think the horses could realistically move that fast in heavy armour. Could possibly just split them into two profiles - High Elf Riders and High Elf Heavy Cavalry.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Rivendell Units

I think the Scouts should be available on foot, but maybe with the option to be mounted.

Also, unless the High Elf Cavalry are riding dalmations and huskies or something, you should change the name of the rule you called; "Elven Pedigree".

I like the way you have done the Scout Veteran 8)

Author:  whafrog [ Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Rivendell Units

Shieldmaiden wrote:
I left in the distinction between the High Elf Cavalry's Special Rules - I thought having both for one unit would be overpowered, and I don't think the horses could realistically move that fast in heavy armour.

Well, the Galadhrim Knights have armoured horses and move 12" all the time...unless you meant the troop's heavy armour, in which case, by your rules it's only in special circumstances, which seems reasonable to me. But if you want to have an unarmoured horse option they should cost 16 points. Horse costs are pretty fixed like most equipment: 6 for normal and 9 for armoured. So it's actually a deal to only spend 2 more points to get an armoured horse.

I like your ideas a lot, maybe I could incorporate them into my wiki? A couple years ago I did a lot of work on a "By the Book" wiki, in which I tried to alter the profiles to be more in keeping with the books rather than the movies. I haven't had time to restructure them for warbands, the new profiles, and the upgrades concept, and never managed to finish off Easterlings and the like, but these would be good additions for Elves.

Author:  Shieldmaiden [ Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Rivendell Units

@ Gothmog - duly noted.

@ whafrog - Wow, Galadhrim can move 12" all the time? If I'd have given anyone that rule it'd be a Rohan unit. As I've said, I don't know any of the new rules, so bear with me ;P

And sure, put them on your Wiki, if you put a little credit to myself somewhere. :)

Author:  whafrog [ Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Rivendell Units

Of course I would give credit :)
I see you dropped the points to 16, but didn't boost the armoured horse option to 3 points (from 2).

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