Ok, we usually play from 500 to 1500 points, here is my army:
Warband 1:
Glorfindel w/ armour of gondolin
4x High Elves w/ spear shield
4x High Elves w/ elven bows
4x High Elves w/ elven blades
Warband 2:
4x High Elves w/ spear shield
4x High Elves w/ elven bows
4x High Elves w/ elven blades
Warband 3:
Elladan & Elrohir w/ armour
4x High Elves w/ spear shield
4x High Elves w/ elven bows
3x High Elves w/ elven blades
High Elf Banner Bearer
Warband 4:
Celeborn w/ armour, shield, elven blade
8x Haldir's Elves w/ elven blades
Warband 5:
Galadriel protectress of lorien
8x Haldir's Elves w/ elven blades
Haldir's Elf Banner Bearer
Warband 6:
Haldir w/ armour, elven blade
8x Haldir's Elves w/ elven bows
1480 points
Glorfindel and the other heroes are usually are behind the ranks of elves for protection but his troll keeps clearing out lines of warriors to get to them.
A lot of his orcs are shot dead by the 20 archers and the haldir's elves are usually in the front line and take out quite a few orcs before they are gone. The high elves support and replace the gaps in the line when a warrior is killed.
He plays Mordor and has a troll chieftan, 12x mordor uruks, 12x black numenoreans, alot of orcs, the witchking, gothmog, the darkmarshal, a few orc captains, banners, etc...