Hello. Having plaid much WotR, now it's time to give LotR a try! I have a concept for any army; The Golden King has been tasked by Sauron, via The Mouth of Sauron himself, to quickly assemble a force of elite re-enforcements to bolster the battle-lines. Promised untold riches, and the spoils of war, The Golden King is ostensibly in charge of this project, but is being used, and possibly discarded once his purpose has been served; to lure the best warriors in the exotic lands to battle in far-away lands with his great wealth and illustrious bearing. The Mouth of Sauron pretends to be nothing more than an emmisary, but is the one Sauron has truly entrusted in this matter, and is the one who could commit insurrection when the time is right! So, that's the concept. I want to include some units in my army because they fit the theme, seem competitive, and are great models. Specifically, I want to use Corsairs, Harad warriors, and plenty of elite warriors, so Abrakhan Guard (The Golden Kings escort), Black Numenorians (TMoS' contingent), Gundabad Blackshields (Love the models and concept; Super-goblins! Too much to pass up, I'd justify it by saying they're re-diverted from a campaign they're currently engaged in in the lands of Harad.) I'd likley not included Uruk Hai or Easterlings (Someone's already got 'em), and I'd be reticent to include anything that's not particularly exotic or special(ised) (So plain HArad wouldn't count, but Harad Warriors with increased BS and their unique '50% bows allowed' formation would, since that's kind of special, and feels 'elite-ey') Aside from that, anything goes if it's going ot contribute towards an elite, unique force. So what would be some great units to add to this force? I'd like to include TMoS and The Golden King in 500 point games, and Dalamyr when it goes up to 1000 (Again, fits the theme). How can I best use these characters in the game? Also, are Corsair Arbalesters any good?