Battalia wrote:
So our residant Isen player decided to custom make an urk hero after the likes of Mahuer (sp?) and address the parts he didnt like about the hero and fix them, but also wants to remain fair.
Basically he took an Urk Capitain's profile, and said +5 points for duel wielding (+1 attacks) and +5 points for Heavy Armor ending up with this profile:
________________F_S D A W C M W FT
Azog (65 points) 5/- 5 6 3 2 4 2 1 1
What are your guy's opinions? Are other 65 point hero's comparable?
Doesn't Mahur already have an extra attack over a standard Uruk Captain to represent his dual blades? Having four attacks is completely unnessecary. If you want to, then the points cost should go up considerably to at least 80, as this guy could easily take on more expensive heroes in combat with 4 attacks at strength 5.