'Call to War' : To represent being called to War against Gondor, if any of the nine ringwraiths are in range of 6" of any easterling troops, the Easterlings are enthralled by Saurons presence and get +1 to their fight value.
Khamul's Legions : When Khamul is anywhere within 2" of a combat, the warriors account as being affected by a banner. Aswell as this, they feel an awesome sense of strong will. To represent this when a spell is cast against any warrior within 2" of Khamul, they count as having the rule 'resistant to magic' and get a point of will to deflect the spell.
Skilled Warriors : Only few get to be Captains in Khamul's elite fighting force. To represent this Easterling captains give +1 courage to any surrounding troops (within 6").
Death to Gondor : When fighting against any Gondor troop, Easterlings will recieve +1 to wound, to represent their hate against Gondor.
Lol, I don't even know if these are house rules, but I hope u like them. Please reply back
