kellie wrote:
I had 16 warriors of minas tirith and 8 Rangers of Gondor as well as a captain with a sheild of minas tirith, Gimli and 6 Knights of Gondor.
I don't know exactly how you were outfitted, but it seems to me you were about 100 points under your opponent. Not only were you way outnumbered, but you were outclassed. Your troops can't match the Uruks because the Uruks have a better Fight, and higher Strength. Your 6 KoMT can't match 20 Uruks without a captain to get them out of trouble. You had two heroes, but they can't make up for the numbers, class and the Troll.
It's tough when you don't have the models, but you can revise some of it. Your horses, if you intend to keep them, need a hero to make heroic moves (combat if you're in a charge and see an opportunity to keep going; move if you lose priority and have to get away). You might drop the KoMT to 5, and call the remaining model a mounted Captain of MT (tie a piece of yarn around his neck like a scarf to distinguish him). Let Gimli lead the infantry.
Here's a weird thing: against Uruks, it doesn't matter whether your WoMT have shields or not. Uruks have S4, so they need a 5 to wound whether you have def 5 or 6. So if you drop the shields on 16 WoMT you can either get another WoMT and give all your rangers spears, or you can get two more models. Same goes with the KoMT, though a Captain with a shield has Def 7, so it's worth it for him.
Here's a new list with the above in mind, and assuming these are all the models you have:
Gimli, 90 points
Capt of MT, shield, lance, horse: 70 points
KoMT x 5: 65 points
WoMT x 8: 56 points
WoMT, spear x 8: 64 points
RoG, spear x 8: 72 points
417 points, 31 models, 5 might, 8 bows
Sounds like your friend needs to drop at least 10 Uruk hai, or the Troll! Here's a list for her (assuming she wants the Troll, it's so cool

) :
Uruk Capt, HA, shield: 60 points (if you don't have a capt model, just pick a warrior and distinguish him in some way)
Mordor Troll, 100 points
Uruk Warrior, shield x 10: 100
Uruk Warrior, pike x 9: 90
Uruk Scouts, bow x 8: 72
422 points, 29 models, 2 might, 8 bows
That Troll is expensive...