The One Ring

hey guys long time no see ... how would you defeat this
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Author:  borja [ Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  hey guys long time no see ... how would you defeat this

ya so i was thinking for a 350 point turnament

Dain 125
9 Khazad Guard 99
8 iron guard 120

i know the total is 344 points only and that the army will totally be outnumbered no bows has worked for me in the past plus the high defense will make up for the lack of bows and numbers

what would be your tactics to defeat this?

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi borja, good to see you've come back :)

Okay, small elite army with a tough hero. Most 500 point forces have about 40 models so before the game begins you'll be outnumbered 2-1. I would concentrate any bowfire on the Iron Guard, 15 points a pop. I'd try to engulf you by splitting my lines into two flanks and use any cavalry to deal with the flanks. As Dain is such a toughie, I would send either a troll in or feed him an orc every turn. If I were you I would choose Gimli and take more men.

Author:  gaarew [ Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

lorderkenbrand wrote:
Most 500 point forces have about 40 models .

So, what do most 350 point armies have?



Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah I think I overlooked the '350' and just assumed it was 500, forgive me, I had just woken up :lol:

Dwarf Bowmen are brilliant and with 150 points more to spend add in more warriors too.

Dain 125
15 Khazad Guard 165
8 iron guard 120
10 Dwarf Bowmen 90

34 models, lots of elites and plenty of bowfire to control the shoot phase. Just hide your bowmen behind your KG's and your Iron Guard behind them. Once you near combat, send your IG round the sides.

Hope that clears up my original mess :D

Author:  gaarew [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

lorderkenbrand wrote:

Hope that clears up my original mess :D

Nope, because it is a 350 point tournament...

There is no need to add an extra 150 points at all.


Author:  Arabog [ Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:28 am ]
Post subject: 

A small elite force with high defence can work on some tournament. It all depend on the scenario's, dwarfs do not move fast and with your small numbers it will be difficult to reach objectives. Most of your models will stay alive during the battles but can they reach the enemey and make enough killings.
And having no bows at all means that if your opponent got bows that he can shoot his arrows on to your models and you have to move all the time the 5" a turn to get in close combat. For 4 iron gaurds i would take 6 dwarf rangers.

When I was your opponent i would go to the objective and take them first and make a line before them so you cannot get to the objectives. If there are no objectives i would shoot all the time my arrows and stay away out of close combat as long as possible. once in range of close combat i would try to attack first and with the support of spears i will outnumber you and win teh fights. With some stronger models like Morannon orks or orks with two hand weapons i will bring wound to your models.

Author:  borja [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks a lot guys for you input ya its going to be tough for some scenarios but i might be able to pull it off

Author:  borja [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

o and i thought of this other list
Boromir OTWT on horse plus shield 190 p
12 knights of minas tirith 156p

Author:  Quaribea [ Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I won some battle's once with Dain, 5 iron guard and 9 khazad guard (300 points), but that was because the opponents were to fixed on dain, send a lot of men to him, but he was unstoppable!. The other units were easily slayed by the guards and they saved Dain from the circle of enemies around him. With 3 will, Dain survived all transfixes.
So you could pull it of, but it will be hard and it's mainly depending on the enemy tactic.

Author:  General Haar [ Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I usually fit in about 33-35 models for 350 points.

I'd shoot down your Iron guard, swarm and kill your Khazad guard in combat, and send a hero or someone to tie up Dain (If I was using Mordor, I'd sap his will and transfix him. If Gondor, I'd feed him Fountain Guard). Or I'd tie up your small force long enough to capture any objectives with the rest of mine.

I honestly don't think this would perform too well in a tournament. Maybe in a kill-em-all match with no time limit. But your force is so small, and and you'll be broken relatively easily, so any victory you get would most likely be reduced to a minor. Keep in mind that unless this is a bracket-style tournament, everyone is your competition. You can't control how other games will go, so you have to get as many major victories as possible.

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