The One Ring

Destroying Sauron
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Author:  thorgrim the 3rd [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Destroying Sauron

Hi guys

i know i havent posted in a while (dont worry my OR painting is finished) but i needed to make this forum to see you guys opinion on what to do. The problem is that every time i verse my friend it isn't that fun cause he always choses Sauron with the one ring. Although i win it still ruins the game. So if i find an easyish way to defeat sauron, he would probably start to play with proper armies. So if you could give me any suggestions that would be great.


Author:  General Haar [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:46 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree. Unless it's a large game (1250+), Sauron sucks the fun out of it.
However, I can tell you from experience, that killing Sauron is even less fun than playing against him. It's an incredibly annoying, long, and arduous process, especially if he saves his might for the fate rolls. I suggest not killing him.
Easiest way? Gil-galad to match his fight value, or a wizard to transfix him/counter his spells. Swamp some units in there (Hopefully plenty of two-handed weapons), hope he doesn't win combat and smash all your models, and then pray to wound.

That, or siege engines. They take down wounds pretty quickly. He'll lose.. what is it, 2 or 3 wounds off of a shot? I think it's 3. Anyway, that'll help get him DOWN to the 1 wound he'll constantly have remaining, but after that, it's seriously just not fun.

This is the easiest way I know of. Maybe someone else has a better version.

Author:  Gondolin [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Heroes :D Certainly use Gil-Galad and other heroes with +1 to wound and Celeborn and Galadriel to transfix him (they can ally Gil-Galad). I wouldn't use warriors, cause they will get killed to fast, because of Sauron's special rule. And use spearmen ofcourse ;-)

And Siege Engines might work, but I never played with them before, so I don't know...

Author:  joris267 [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

get lothlórien with galadriel and mirror, ally Gil-galad and Aragorn (with andúril) in. (bit cheasy but he, hey is playing sauron) then max out elf wariors in lothlórien.
now you have a decent chance of winning the fights (gil-galad) counter magic (galadriel) goud chance of wounding (aragorn) some elfs to keep the orcs of and you're heroes won't die (mirror)
pricy bit wil definitly work

Author:  gaarew [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gondolin wrote:
Gil-Galad). I wouldn't use warriors, cause they will get killed to fast, because of Sauron's special rule. And use spearmen ofcourse ;-)

If Sauron wins the fight and uses his special rule, he is rolling to wound the spearmen as well.

Author:  Arabog [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you always play the same scenario with the same points: Sauron can be boring to play with or against.
Try each time other LOME scenario's, Contest of champion and to kill a king will Sauron winn but the other scenario's are much harder to win with Sauron.

To kill Sauron fast:
Magic: Gandalf the white on shadowfax: Command or immobilise Sauron or try a sorcerous blast. stay out of range of 18" with the speed of Shadowfax.
When he is immoblised attack him with all you got.
Real heroes: Gil-Galad is the only person with the same fightvaleu as Sauron, be carefull that he survive all the spells against him.
Or give the heroes as much as elvencloaks they can have. Depends off course on the scnery you are playing with.

Siege engines: the Trebuchet with engineer captain is an option, with a lot of luck you can hit Sauron and half his wounds. it is almost impossiple to kill Sauron with a trebuchet. first hit he gets 2 wounds, second hit 1 wound third hit 1 wound. fourth hit he could get killed. But you need a lot of 4+to hit/6 to scatter/4+ to wound.
-Avenger Bolt trower with swift reload and engineer captain, Maybe more hits on Sauron. but you need 4+ to hit, scatter and a 6 to wound.

But the best way to beat Sauron is to play with a good scenario. Kill the orc that are with him and his army will be reduced under 1/4.

Author:  thorgrim the 3rd [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

cool thank for all your suggestions.
i like the idea of using gil galad, aragon and galadriel. But another thing that bugs me is that he doesn't have LOME so he doesn't know any scenarios and keeps insisting on a death match and i cant change his mind. Ill try the other tactics for know to see if they will work.


Author:  gaarew [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

The other solution is -

tell him that this is something you do for fun, and every time he plunks Sauron down on the table, you can slowly feel your will to live trickling away. Tell him that unless he changes his army, or at least tries a few scenarios, that you won't play any more games against him, as it's nothing more than massaging his ego to do so.

At least, that's what I'd do. Probably with a lot more profanity though.


Author:  Corsair [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

gaarew wrote:
At least, that's what I'd do. Probably with a lot more profanity though.


And thats the gaarew way...

Author:  Joansean [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Corsair wrote:
gaarew wrote:
At least, that's what I'd do. Probably with a lot more profanity though.


And thats the gaarew way...

It's the Logical way, and john usually is very logical.

Just tell him you'll be off playing on your Xbox if he keeps playing Sauron. Simple as that.

Author:  Arabog [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

If he doesn't have LOME take the book that he have and play the scenario's from that book.
The scenario's in the Rulebook are good enough.

Author:  theOneRider [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

gaarew wrote:
The other solution is -
Tell him that unless he changes his army, or at least tries a few scenarios, that you won't play any more games against him, as it's nothing more than massaging his ego to do so.
I was just about to suggest that myself. :wink:

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