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 Post subject: House Rule: Bilbo, companion of Thorin and ringbearer
PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:35 am 
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Bilbo, Companion of Thorin
This profile represents Bilbo on his journey to the Lonely mountain, after his encounter with the Trolls, before or during the battle of five armies

Bilbo carries the Elven Sword Sting and the Ring. At additional cost he may have the Mithril coat:

Mithril Coat: 20 points

Special rules
The Ring: Bilbo may put on the Ring at any time during his own move phase and becomes instantly invisible to all except the Ringwraiths. The model is deemed impossible to see. Invisibility is no protection against missiles, however, so, although Bilbo may not be targeted in any way, an “in the way” roll must be made if he is partially concealing any model. If the roll does not hit the target, Bilbo must be wounded as normal. As he is invisible he may move through other models and other models automatically move through him (they can’t see him so pay no attention to him – we assume Bilbo dodges out of the way.

When Bilbo is invisible he may not be charged by enemies who cannot see him, although he may charge a single enemy model to do this. If he does this he automatically wins the combat (enemies can’t fight something they can’t see). If he does not move from that location, however, enemy models may charge him as normal (he has given away his location) and Bilbo can even put the ring on when he has been charged by an enemy model, in which case he immediately becomes separated from the enemy model in the confusion and may not move back into base contact with that enemy for the duration of that turn.

If the ring is already being worn then the good player must roll a die at the end of Bilbo’s turn to move (if Bilbo does not wish to move then this roll is made at the end of the Good player’s move phase). On the result of a 1, the ring slips of Bilbo’s finger and may not be replaced until the next turn. Might may not be used to influence this roll, as the ring is made on behalf of the Ring itself – not Bilbo.

If the Good player wishes for Bilbo to take the ring off he may do so at the beginning of the Good player’s move phase, though Bilbo may not move during the same turn.

Sting: Made for the defence of Gondolin, Sting is a potent blade. To represent this, when wounding an enemy model, Bilbo automatically causes a single wound.

Baggins Luck: The famous “Baggins Luck” has got Bilbo through more than his fair share of difficult situations. To represent this, Bilbo may re-roll failed fate rolls.

Resistant to Magic; Throw Stones; Mithril Coat

Bilbo, Ringbearer (What if)
This profile represent the Bilbo that would have gone to Mordor if Bilbo had not passed on the Ring to Frodo, but had taken it himself. Please post feedback for the rules here, but discussion on whether that would have happened or not should be saved for >>this thread<<

Bilbo carries the Elven Sword Sting and the Ring and wears the Mithril coat:

Special rules
The Ring: See Main Rules Manual for details.

Sting: Made for the defence of Gondolin, Sting is a potent blade. To represent this, when wounding an enemy model, Bilbo automatically causes a single wound.

Baggins Luck: The famous “Baggins Luck” has got Bilbo through more than his fair share of difficult situations. To represent this, Bilbo may re-roll failed fate rolls.

Resistant to Magic; Throw Stones; Mithril Coat

So what do you think?
All your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Does that pupil look like it was done on MS Paint to you?
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