The One Ring |
tactics to beat uruk-hai |
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Author: | mitch_rohan [ Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:09 am ] |
Post subject: | tactics to beat uruk-hai |
hey there guys jsut wondering if yous have any tactics and experience on how to beat those bloddy uruk-hai thanks in advance |
Author: | Arabog [ Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:56 am ] |
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Elfs got higher Fightvaleu. If they got a lot of crossbows, volley first out of range a lot would help. Then attack them with horses. There are not real heroes most of the time. the best hero will be vrasku or lurtz. If they got Saruman there will be less Uruk-hai. Do not forget the scenario, Uruk-hai move often in their pike block and with crossbowsblock. The good army will be a lot quicker to most of the objectives. Uruk-hai got low Courage, compel their leaders out of the lines and kill them by your better heroes. Once broken they run away. |
Author: | Mouth-of-Sauron [ Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:03 am ] |
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Depending of what army are you playing... My friend plays with Uruks and well I am the Gondor player but I would never play Warriors of Minas Tirith (WoMT) cause they´ll get slaughtered... My preferred choise is to use Guardians of the Fountain Court (GotFC) They seem to be quite eqaul as they wound each other with 6´s and have the same fighting skill Though MY most cruel and favourite option are the Dead... ![]() Not only do the dead cause terror but also they wound uruks on 4+ however uruks wound them on 6´s And from what I´ve heard Rohans cavalary charge would make an easy work on Uruks pike block... And Also Grey Company would amke a short work on the Uruks... Though they wound uruks with 6´s , they still (rangers) come in great numbers and well imagine about 4 RotN and 16 RoA shooting, hitting on 3´s and wounding on 6´. Well about 3-4 uruks should die every turn... There are diffrent stratagiec how to beat diffrent armys... ![]() Could You specifie wich army do you play? ![]() |
Author: | Darren-5-08 [ Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:29 pm ] |
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elves definitely have uruks. if played correctly, of course. early game use bowfire. take out the pikemen, they will be easier to kill with their lower defense value and it means there will be fewer to support uruk swordsmens when it comes to combat. also, elves have equal armour (higher with a shield, advised to take quite a few of these) and a higher fight value, so are more likely to win a fight. for uruks to use crossbows they cannot move, so use this to your advantage (move out of range in the move phase). also, knights of dol amroth could take uruks. they have move defense and also rangers of gondor as an archer unit would prove quite a powerful combination. |
Author: | General Haar [ Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:39 pm ] |
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Using elves isn't exactly a tactic, guys. It's an army choice. Depends on how they play. If they use the standard pike block, then yeah, shoot out the supports, the attack them from at least two sides. Everyone has an idea on how to beat that. But what if they don't play the pike block? What if you're fighting an Uruk swarm that uses almost exclusively swordsmen? Then you have quite the challenge. D6 all-around is tough to beat. Obviously your best bet is to take out any pikemen first, as they die easier. Otherwise, try to get more dice in per combat than them to try and top their fight skill. If you know you're playing against Uruks, field some elites, preferrably units with either f4, s4, or d7. If not, concentrate on outnumbering them, if possible. Your heroes are better than their heroes, more likely than not. Unless they have Saruman, concentrate on breaking his force A.S.A.P. If they do, try and either kill or tie him up. It really all depends on what army you play and how they play their Uruks, really. |
Author: | Darren-5-08 [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:00 am ] |
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Quote: Using elves isn't exactly a tactic, guys. It's an army choice. i know, which is why i said Quote: early game use bowfire. take out the pikemen, they will be easier to kill with their lower defense value and it means there will be fewer to support uruk swordsmens when it comes to combat. also, elves have equal armour (higher with a shield, advised to take quite a few of these) and a higher fight value, so are more likely to win a fight.
Author: | Azure Rathalos [ Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:12 pm ] |
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Fight value 4 or higher helps but numbers works too, uruks are expensive, so use as many models as you can, take a banner and only one or two heroes. This way you can out flank them and whittle them down through a battle of attrition, gondor do this best. Use a line of swordmen and a captin, backed up by two ranks of spearmen, so when the front rank die, the second rank is still backed up. Archers on the flank are also good (cavelry too, if you have the points) |
Author: | Krol [ Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:11 am ] |
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General Haar wrote: But what if they don't play the pike block? What if you're fighting an Uruk swarm that uses almost exclusively swordsmen? Then you have quite the challenge. D6 all-around is tough to beat. Obviously your best bet is to take out any pikemen first, as they die easier. Otherwise, try to get more dice in per combat than them to try and top their fight skill. If you know you're playing against Uruks, field some elites, preferrably units with either f4, s4, or d7. If not, concentrate on outnumbering them, if possible. Your heroes are better than their heroes, more likely than not. Unless they have Saruman, concentrate on breaking his force A.S.A.P. If they do, try and either kill or tie him up. It really all depends on what army you play and how they play their Uruks, really. In that case I would use an organized tight formation, preferably with warriors that have spears as support... basically, pull the phalanx trick on them if they're not using their phalanx. Another option is definitely Cavalry. I used to play a lot of RoR vs uruks battles (in fact, that's how I started) and my riders would usually pone those damm orks! (no offense meant to ork-lovers:). |
Author: | StinkenChicken [ Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:58 pm ] |
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well I collect Dwarves and would have to say that the best way to kill high defence enemys is with a ballistae, and a Hero, backed up by strength four kazad gaurd. |
Author: | Azure Rathalos [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:02 pm ] |
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By using Gondor you can outnumber and surround Uruki, knights make short work of pikesmen on the flanks, opening up gaps for your warriors to move in and as long as you don't get rubbish dice rolls you should be able to pick them apart, also as most of the Gondorians are defence 6 it will take a while for even Uruki to kill them. Elves higher fight value is good, but due to small numbers the Elves will suffer as soon as they start taking casulties, where as you can have bucket loads of Gondorians, making them a much more forgiving army to use. |
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