The One Ring |
I'm holding out for a hero 2 |
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Author: | Captain Ingold [ Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:54 am ] |
Post subject: | I'm holding out for a hero 2 |
I remember posts on this on GW's forums and even these forums, but as those ALL got deleted, for the first time in months at least, here is YOUR opportunity to get your own rules for your own characters posted! I'm sure many of you remember Grimhelm's site: And here's a helpful way to get points: So now, let the profiles BEGIN! Captain Ingold of the Rammas (Man) Cost- 90 points F S D A W C M W F 5 4 6 2 2 4 2 2 2 Wargear Sword Shield (optional) 5 pts Horse (optional) 10 pts Special Rule Ingold can double as an experienced siege crewman. On top of this, he can expend one fate point to repair one batter point (no roll needed) on a wall or siege engine. |
Author: | Captain Ingold [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:36 pm ] |
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Uhhh, you're meant to post on this. Go on, it's FUN! ![]() |
Author: | Quaribea [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:31 pm ] |
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Ah great site! I was searching for something like that! Just made a test hero: Turin Turambar F S D A W C M/W/F 7/4 4 7 3 3 7 3*/3/3 Man Hero, mithril armor, 2-handed sword (Gurthang), Dragon Helm of Dor-Lomin Abilities: Mighty Hero; Gurthang; Dragon Helm of Dor-Lomin Cost: 200 Gurthang: This legendary black, 2-handed sword is one of the best forged swords there is. Also it is made out of a black meteorite. In addition, the wielder of this sword get's +1 to his dice rolls for the wound chart, but doesn't get the usual -1 penalty. Dragon Helm of Dor-Lomin: The bearer of this helmet has terror. Many thanks for this site! |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:40 pm ] |
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I have a few here, some of them are revisions of GW's Hero profiles. Lord Hurin, Warden of the Keys Points Value: 115 Hurin is a Gondorian nobleman of Numenorean descent. Although he is not descended from the Elendili, his ancestors having settled in Pelargir long before the Sundering of Numenor, he is descended through many generations from the Kings of that great realm. Hurin commands great respect in Minas Tirith, ranking second only to the Steward's eldest son Boromir. F/Sh S D A W C 5/3+ 4 7 3 3 6 M:3 W:3 F:2 Lord Hurin wears ancient heavy armour of Numenorean origin and carries a longsword. He may bear the following equipment at the cost indicated: Horse.....10pts Shield......5pts Lance......5pts Parry: Hurin makes canny use of his shield to knock aside oncoming blows and enemy fighters. When equipped with a shield, Hurin may make one enemy he is engaged in combat with lose 1 Attack from their profile for the duration of that combat. Cirdan, Lieutenant to Gil-galad Points Value: 130 An Elf Lord of incredible age and wisdom, Cirdan is experienced in the arts of battle and command. Although the atrocities he witnessed during the Siege of Barad-dur would eventually persuade Cirdan to cast aside weapons and resist Evil in subtler ways, during the Second Age Cirdan was still willing to lead columns of High Elves into battle against Sauron's forces. F S D A W C 6 4 7 2 3 6 M:3 W:4 F:3 Cirdan wears finely crafted heavy armour and wields an Elven blade. Lineage of the Firstborn, Woodland Creature Magical Powers Cast Blinding Light: 3+ Aura of Dismay: 3+ Theoden Ednew, the Renewed Points Value: 115 After being healed by Gandalf Greyhame and shaking off Saruman's influence, King Theoden of Rohan was called "Ednew" by the people of the Riddermark. Meaning "The Renewed" in the tongue of the Eorlingas, this epithet was most fitting for Thengel's son as he soon rode to victory and glory at the Battles of Helm's Deep and the Pelennor Fields. Though Theoden fell in the latter battle, his courage and uncanny resilience was ever after the stuff of legends in all corners of Rohan. F/Sh S D A W C 5/4+ 4 7 3 2 6 M:3 W:2 F:2 Theoden Ednew wears heavy armour and carries his sword Herugrim and a shield. He may bear the following equipment at the cost indicated: Snowmane.....15pts Rohirrim Spear......5pts Snowmane: Snowmane is an armoures Mearas. His profile is exactly like that of Felarof. See Eorl's profile for details. Rohirrim spear: The Riders of Rohan use their spears as both javelins and lances while on horseback. On foot, these weapons count as normal throwing weapons. On horseback a charging Rider may either throw their spear (in which case it counts as a throwing weapon) or use it as a lance. Note that the weapon confers no bonus if the mounted model is charged instead. Forth, Eorlingas! Once per game, Theoden may call a charge. When he does so, all mounted Rohirrim on the board may make a full move straight forward and any models in the way take a Strength 4 hit. Survivors are knocked to the ground. Any models with Rohirrim spears may throw them at a visible target at any point during this move. |
Author: | The Ironfoot [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:06 pm ] |
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who's leod?? I thought Eorl's horse was called Felarof. |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:28 pm ] |
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The Ironfoot wrote: who's leod?? I thought Eorl's horse was called Felarof.
Ah Devlan Mud, you're right... Leod was Eorl's father, who was killed trying to tame Felarof. I'll edit it now. |
Author: | Quaribea [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:03 pm ] |
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Well, I just made this: Numenor Royal Guard F S D A W C 5/4 4 7 1 1 5 Man, heavy armor, shield, sword Ability: Bodyguard Cost: 14 and this Numenor Priest F S D A W C M/W/F 4/4 4 6 2 3 4 3/3/2 Man Hero, normal armor, dagger Magic Powers: Immobilise; Aura of Command Cost: 85 |
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