The One Ring

Elf Mage's
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Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Elf Mage's

well i have been re-reading the LOTR books and it mentions in the hobbit that elves had more magic than dwarves but in many profiles you don't see that, infact theres only about 5 elves with magic all of which named... so i came up with the idea of elf mage's

Elf Mage Master

Points value: 70

6 3 4 2 2 6 2 /4*/2

An Elf Mage Master has a mighty staff of power (counts as a two-handed weapon, he may have the following:
Elven Blade-----------------------------------------------------------------5pts
Hvy armour----------------------------------------------------------------10pts
Mage Blade-----------------------------------------------------------------15pts
Elven cloak-----------------------------------------------------------------10pts

Special rules:
* Staff of Power: (see the main rules manuel for deatales)

Terror: (see the main rules manuel for deatales)

Mage Blade: These are masterly crafted magical blades in which has been worked many years worth of magic, a Mage Blade counts as a handweapon however you must re-roll failed woundes.

Magical skill: The skill of Mages vary's depending on how long they have trained and what skills they have mastered you may buy the bellow spells for the following points:
Aura of Dismay------------------------------------------------------------10pts
Cast Blinding Light---------------------------------------------------------10pts
Nature's Wrath-------------------------------------------------------------15pts
Panic Steed-----------------------------------------------------------------10pts
Strengthen Will-------------------------------------------------------------15pts

Magical powers

Core Magic:
Imobolise. Dice score to use: 3+

Optional Magic:
Aura of Dismay. Dice score to use: 4+
Cast Blinding Light. Dice score to use: 3+
Command. Dice score to use: 4+
Natures Wrath. Dice score to use: 4+
Panic Steed. Dice score to use: 4+
Renew. Dice score to use: 4+
Strenghen Will. Dice score to use: 4+

Elf Mage Masters can be in the following forces:
Rivendell, Grey Havens, Erigion, Lothlorien and Thranduil's halls

Note: you can only equip a mage with 4 additional spells.

so what do you think

also Elf Mage apprentices comming soon

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good :!:

However, it doesn't say any thing about armour in his wargear :?

:?: Does he wear any armour or not :?:

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

no he has no equipment or wargear there support hero

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

you have done a nice job with the rules - I find the Mage blade a little too cheap though. I would consider Increasing the points value for the mage blade upgrade by an extra 5-10 points.

I would like to see an actual model of your idea, maybe converted from the original elladan and elrohir models (The unarmoured models).

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:47 am ]
Post subject: 

i was going to wait for some more replys before i raise the cost of the mageblade but i see your point.

and actualy i was thinking i was going to make them out of woodelf moddles and paint them blue and grey because then they would fit in with both my rivendell and woodelf armys

but yes the origanal eladan and elrohir moddles would be great!

come to think of it the unarmoured celaborn would be good too!

anybody else??

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

That is a good idea as well :)

The wood elf banner bearer out of the wood elf command looks good as well. You could trim the banner pole and change it a little and it would look great.

My only concern is that after you have armed your mage and gave a few spells, he will probably be over 120 points and he may still not be wearing armour. Therefore, i think that very little people will include a mage master in their army.

My point is that even the standard elven soldiers are expensive and if you include a mage then you are likely to be seriously outnumbered. So with the price you pay for a mage master, you could have an extra 11 or so well needed troops.

Maybe the apprentice will be better value and a more effective alternative :!:

:?: How long until the elf mage apprentice rules appear :?:

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

however if you equip them with cast blinding light he wont be so much of a problem and sorry i ment to give him 2 wounds ill change it now

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:17 am ]
Post subject: 

It is generally good. There are a few things that i would change a bit.

I think he could do with another point of might. Then you can give the apprentice 1 point of might.

The thranduil model is also great to make a mage master. But if i bought him, I would probably keep him as thranduil. Unless the mage is for a elf army other than Mirkwood!

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks i have now edited the profile ive changed him so he has more fate and 1 more attack, ill think ill keep the one might the way it is.

and aswell as aprentices i was thinking a named mage

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good!

Nice work.

I expect that the aprentice will have less optional magic and a lower fight value, courage, will and fate.

:?: How many might points do you intend on giving the apprentice :?:

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

all in due time

but yep the apprentice is a going to have acces to less spells less fate will and no might and he isnt going to get access to the Mage sword or 1 free will per turn and need to roll higher to cast spells.

however they will have special rules of therown

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can't Wait...

Thanks :D

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

ill get working on them.

does anybody else whant to comment??

Author:  theOneRider [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm working on a timer here, so please forgive the cold, clinical appearance of this critique:

Mage sword is a little too cheap, add about 10 pt. Or make it only so against various orc races.

The spells are too cheap also - he does get a free Will per turn. Maybe add 5 pt to each spell cost? Also, he shouldn't have Sorcerous Blast, that seems it should only go with the Istari (the wizards).

The Staff of Power needs mentioned in his Wargear if he gets to employ it, which also gives him a 2handed weapon. I'd make that his starter kit.
But he should also have the option of buying more stuff: armor, horse, maybe an Elven cloak...

And I might add a 12" Stand Fast for... what is it? 15 pts? I can't remember. This guy is basically a very important elf, after all.

Now that I've thoroughly flogged him for you, let me say that I do like the idea. As you said, Elves are a very magical people & should have a more general hero (or 2) to represent that.

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:23 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks i don't mind you being a little cold but you have made some good points.

im thinking that i could make a lesser version of the socerouce blast

and more wargear options is a good idea a horse looks like a good idea so does the elven cloak, however im not shure about armour well heavy armour anyway.

how much points should the Mage Blade be do you recon???

and i will make a final coppy of there stats when i am happy with everything.

Author:  the director [ Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

personally i don't think he should get a point of will free every turn. Also i'd limit it so the Mage can know a maximum number of spells as has been said increase the points of the mage blade, aside that looks good. possibly an armour option would make him a lot more attractive from a gaming point of view, for me anyway.

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:33 am ]
Post subject: 

limiting the amount of spells is a cool idea thanks for that

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

here we go here comes the Mage Apprentice

Points value: 50

5 3 3 1 2 5 1/3/1

An Elf Mage Apprentice has no wargear so counts as being unarmed, he may have the following:
Elven Blade-----------------------------------------------------------------5pts
Hvy Armour----------------------------------------------------------------10pts
Elven cloak-----------------------------------------------------------------10pts

Special rules:

Not yet fully learned: It takes 100's of years to become a fully fledged Mage An Elf Mage Apprentice may only have 2 additional spells.

Rapport: Apprentices rarely appear on the battle field without a masters presance, Elf Mage Apprentices cost 10 points less whenever an Elf Mage Master is on the battle field, note 1 master per apprentice.

Insperational masters: Mage Aprentices are still learning the ways of magic from there masters. If an Elf Mage Master successfully casts a spell within 6'' of an apprentice they gain back 1 will.

Apprentices: Elf Mage Apprentices are not insperational charicters therefore have no stand fast.

Magical skill: The skill of Mages vary's depending on how long they have trained and what skills they have mastered you may buy the bellow spells for the following points:
Cast Blinding Light-------------------------------------------------------------5
Panic Steed---------------------------------------------------------------------5
Strengthen Will----------------------------------------------------------------15

Magical powers

Core Magic:
Imobolise. Dice score to use: 4

Optional Magic:
Cast Blinding Light. Dice score to use: 4+
Panic Steed. Dice score to use: 5+
Renew. Dice score to use: 5+
Strenghen Will. Dice score to use: 5+

so what do you think????

Author:  Corsair [ Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've been waiting for this...

I like the special rule 'Inspirational Masters' as this would be quite realistic yet useful.

I think there is a few things I would change a bit:

:arrow: I Think that the courage value of the apprentice should be 5, this is the standard C value for an elf soldier. If you leave it on 6, then it will be the same C value as the more experienced and braver mage master.

:arrow: I think he is a little to cheap as he costs less than a orc shaman who is not as good as an elf mage apprentice (consider 45-50 points).

:arrow: I apologise if i seem a bit cold but I am not to keen on the 'Not Yet Learned' rule as the whole point of an apprentice would be for those not able to afford masters. I would change it to a rule called 'Passing Of The Knowledge' which would allow apprentices to purchase 1 additional spell available to a master if there is a master with that same spell in the army.

Since though, it is the first post of the apprentice, it allows you to change things so consider my ideas

Apart from that, I like the profile and i agree with the limited spells available for him as well as the fact that he does not have a stand fast.

:idea: I think the Mage Master should have access to a horse aswell :idea:

Now, I would like to see an actual model and I think I am going to make my own...

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

i like the master the same points as he is because when you do buy the spells he costs just right. if i make him 90 or so he will cost the same as a normal more high powered rules

i have just had an idea about the apprentice vough

i could make a special rule called rapport making him less points when a master is in the same force. and yes i will make him a few points more.

and a i will add a horse to each of there wargear too.

Named mage and apprentice comming soon!!

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