The One Ring

House rule of mine
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Author:  pwner jaleno [ Sun May 25, 2008 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  House rule of mine

This is the special rules that a friend of mine and me use for one of the unnamed ringwraiths

The HUnter

M 2
W 15
F 3

fight value 5
shoot 3+
defence 8
strength 4
courage 6
attacks 1
wounds 1


bow free with 24 inch range
sword free
horse 10 points

special rules

HE can shoot twice per shoot phase

Kill the prey

before game choose one enemy hero to be the prey The hunter passes al tests to charge terrifying people if he can see the prey

THe hunter knows all ringwraith spells

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don´t want to insult you but it looks very dumb....


Or maybe you can explain to me WHY does the RW as the HUNTER?

Well the "Kill the Prey" rule is very nice I must admit but the bow?
Hmm doesn´t see very appeling for the RW...

No Offence nice SP though.. :wink:

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