The One Ring

An army of Prowlers?
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Author:  whafrog [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  An army of Prowlers?

I'm wondering why someone couldn't just field an army of Prowlers? They fight and cost like Orcs, but have throwing weapons (with a good chance to hit) and extra backstab bonus when trapping. So you can still swarm because they're cheap, you can kill on a charge, and your chances of being able to use that backstab rule is pretty good.

Seems to me GW needs to introduce some limits on specialty troops, the ones that seem intended to boost an army's flexibility, but probably weren't intended for mass deployment. Some are self-limiting due to cost, but others like the Prowler (or the Rohan Outrider combined with the banner for free Might) need special rules.

Here's a couple I'll use at home:

Prowler: can only deploy one Prowler for every 3 normal goblin warriors.
Outrider: can only deploy one per 100 points (or part thereof).

Anybody else share this concern?

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agreee with this, though these are not all such kind of the minis that should have such restriction... :roll:

-Morannon Orcs (since there were few of them) should be played as powlers... [ I like them and play with them a lot but aprat of that they should be no such a domianting orc race on table...] or how about 33% of the army? (herose not included)

-Iron Guards???


-and all kinds of elites... :roll:

I´m not so sure about this but maybe some herose too? like I doubt that Elendil would go out with a scout party... maybe something like this He may be icluded only if there are Numernoreans for 100p on table??? a captain would be suitable for such a job...

Same for Dark really I doumpt that he would venture alone with out his hord army...

and lot´ś othere herose

this would keep the players for fielding umber herose and a few troops what makes the game really boring...

well there are some exeptions like Aragotn the Strider, Twins and Gandalf... and ofcourse othere wanderes

Another example would likely (In LOTR ofcourse) would rangers of gondor meet a single Mordor Troll Chieftain wandering alone in Ithiline... More likely an Orc Cap. and some Orc scumm but not such a creature...

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think it matters for heroes. If you want to send Elendil out with a scouting party, that's up to you. Otherwise it could get really messy with special rules. I was just thinking about situations where the special troops aren't costed quite right. Morrannon Orcs seem to be priced okay.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well yeah.... I just imgained such thing for it would be more realistic...

:wink: but overall I support this idea...

Author:  Dior [ Fri May 02, 2008 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Prowler army?

Whafrog do you mean to say there is NO restriction on Prowlers?

So I could field one captain and 66 prowlers in a 500 point army?

Wow... imagine the trapped bonusus in swarming that lot?

And the increase in stats too. Bows would be better too...



Author:  whafrog [ Fri May 02, 2008 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prowler army?

Dior wrote:
Whafrog do you mean to say there is NO restriction on Prowlers?

So I could field one captain and 66 prowlers in a 500 point army?

Other than model limit, there doesn't seem to be. I think the limit is 50.

Wow... imagine the trapped bonusus in swarming that lot?

And the increase in stats too. Bows would be better too...


That's what I'm afraid of :)

Author:  ReaKon [ Fri May 02, 2008 7:11 am ]
Post subject: 

You've gotta remember though that these special rules only work against inexperienced players. An experienced good player will use to his advantage the low toughness of prowlers and fire bows at them turn after turn, then when they reach the front line, have a decent line of men so that they can't trap easily for at least a few turns. With regards to the throwing weapons, it is easy to keep slow models at bay with them, considering that most good models can move 6 as apposed to the goblins 5. They just need to stay 6 inches away so they are guaranteed to charge in themselves. (obviously this will only work on the first turn). You then have the fact that goblins rarely hit with their throwing weapons.

The only unit I do think is wrong is the outrider one. They should be classed as troops with a special rule instead of 1 fate.

Author:  The newbie [ Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

With regards to Moron Orcs being so widely used, a solution would be to remove the plastic box set and bring back just 3 blister copies. The actual cost of fielding a large army of elites is purely cost. However this brings on the view that, because you are wealthy your army will be better.

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with outrider argument, however prowlers have a special rule and that is all. They aren't much stronger than a goblin and can't really be classed as elites.

Restricting warriors with 2 attacks is also a bit odd. A Far Harad army list is made up of elites. You shouldn't then force someone to ally with another faction so as to include weaker units. I think part of the fun and the thrill is revealing your army lists to your opponents and strong, elite lists as long as they are themed seem okay to me.

However an army full of prowlers does seem unfair. I doubt anyone could afford to buy so many blisters worth and also doubt it would be that effective. Most warriors don't get trapped till latter on in the battle when lines become broken.

Author:  SDJackson [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Different armies work in different ways, and you have to have tactics to how you use them.

There are many arguments, including all elite armies, hobbit armies with aragorn, gandalf and still outnumbering, all cavalry hordes.

All armies have strong points, but the prowlers are 1 point too little IMO.
I like your restriction rule.

Also if an enemy charges your prowlers (On horse) then you will not have the throwing weapons or you will, and the cavalry will charge and then smash the prowlers up.

Author:  Dior [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: An army of Prowlers?

Sorry I know this is 4 years later.. but yes I'm stillplaying my goblin army.

As Prowlers don't have to have a two handed axe... which is primarily the only pose in th eprowler blister pack; then a hooded or cape conversion with green stuff is about all that is needed.
So your plastic hordes could be converted easily enough.

Anyone goign to convert three goblins 1 armoured 2 archers onto the back of a standard warg model?

Author:  Constantine [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: An army of Prowlers?

Iron Guards cost 15 points apiece. That makes them extremely expensive for a core troop, they limit themselves.

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