halauas wrote:
Isnt harad at 1/3 bow limit? it is eastern kingdoms that is at 50% bow limit.
Anyway, i have played harad 4 times now and all of them went pretty good (2 wins-2 looses, but losses were still good games as my opponents played good and tactical)
I do not know at how many points you play your games but my examples will be at 600 to 850 points
VS dwarfs (win)
Haradrim raiders thrived. They are an amazing cavalry for their points + lances, they butchered the dwarf with great ease, picking 6-8 of them + 4-5 serpent riders are amazing combination as you use the simple raiders for body-shield and distraction but in the same time they can still kill pretty easily. I wont mention half trolls/watchers/abrakhan guard, they did amazing job
Bows were useless against dwarfs sadly.
VS Wood elves (win)
I took 2 warbands of haradrim warriors and they did their job, witch was to die! simple warriors are for 2 purposes, body-shield and swarm , both went good as almost none of my elites died from elf bows and in the end elves were so outnumbered that all the fights were 3-1
VS gondor (lose)
the reason for the loss of this match was boromir, i simply could not stop him as soon as i lost my ringwraith (knight of umbar) he kept butchering while it was hard to kill his simple footmen. Still Raiders did a good job and also i lasted long after force was broken simply because i had a hornblower (ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS pick on when playing harad ALWAYS!) it was a good battle in overall.
VS isengard (loss)
Crossbows just butchered everything, he maxed out in numbers so he could pick as many crossbows as possible.My simple haradrim warriors did protect most of my elites but still when i reached him i couldnt do much in close combat vs a tight phalanx of uruks, no matter how much i tried to flank and swarm him every fight was 3v2 (counting his 2 lines of pikemen). Vrasku was like a machine gun killing my heroes and his simple uruks just kept winning every fight (also a little bit of luck from his side) but still, i did not have many losses after force was broken and my opponent played tacticaly, making it a good battle aswell
Conclusion, you dont expect haradrim warriors to much other than protect your elites from bowfire and try to trap your enemy, they are still decent for that job and you need numbers for harad and ALWAYS ALWAYS pick a hornblower, hide him somewhere far on the map untill your force is broken.
Raiders are very good cavalry for their points, the reason is: cheap lances!
Chieftains are not much of heroes, but when you also pick a taskmaster you have the chance of performing a heroic action every turn, witch is great.
For last if you pick an army of elites they will go down from bowfire pretty soon and with so low def (without having numbers) they will go down fast aswell.
Yeah we did 850 both times I believe. Or 750 the first.
I played against Wood Elves, High Elves, and Rohirrim the first game.
Today, Wood Elves, Rohirrim, and Minis Tirith.
I DONT KNOW HOW in the world your raiders did good against dwarves with their armor.....I was counter charged and murdered by wood elves today....
As for the foot troops....even when I swarm I seem to lose fights. Maybe because Im playing Mirkwood jerks and other Elves with high fight. My bows did do better, but once I got in combat, he was able to charge and slay most of my raiders with lance, and a bunch with bow who I threw into combat once it was clear nobody was going to be free to shoot at.
My half trolls stayed alive long enough to keep Tauriel and a warband of Rangers at bay and out of the main fight for a long time.
I killed his other heros quickly because of cavalry charges....It just seemed like with the numbers I had I should have won much more easily.....The watchers did their job well.
IDK how to balance this force.
I have 29 raiders, 8 serpent riders, 6 trolls, a good 12 Mahud, 9 watchers, Suladan, several chieftans, Hasharin who also performed well today, a hornblower, several banners, and a taskmaster.
I just feel like either you have to go all elites, or all swarm with these guys. The first time I went mostly swarm, and they struggled to win fights. Today I went a lot of elites, a lot of mounted-24 riders- and still died and lost fights often......we dont play by courage break rules....Im sure if I did, I could have lost the fight easily even with my opponent making several huge tactical errors.
Explain to me two things-
1: How did your raiders crack the dwarves armor and close combat prowess.
2: What wood elf army did you face? My buddy always brings Thranduil and Tauriel it seems. Theyre both so fn good.