How many points are you usually playing at?
Anyway, Isengard has everything needed to put a righteous fear of Morgoth into the Gundabad lines. Trolls and Big Heroes aside, your uruk will need 5s to wound , so a full warband of crossbows lead by Vrasku can be a nightmare (statistically speaking, 2 to 3 wounds each turn of shooting with no might involved). Saruman can deal with anything bigger than a Berseker, with Command on 3+ and Immobilize on 2+.
as for elves...well, Galadriel is the first pick, giver her ability to immobilize and compel. Nature's Wrath is good against everything, so if you have thranduil or a stormcaller you could use them Thranduil also has Aura of Dismay, that may prevent some units to charge yours, something you could use to countercharge to have numbers on your side. Let's face it, if a Gundabad wins against a elf, the pointy eared guy is likely to go down, so you want to have numbers on your side. A banner will always be useful.
To make a long story short, magic or paramagic (sentinels) is the starting point, followed by archery. I would also consider cavalry, but neither Isengard nor Galadhrim have a very strong cavalry (usually I use Warg Riders as Anticavalry and I've never seen Galadhrim riders in a game)