Furby, the Annoying Pink Corrupter of the Universe movement 16" F3/- S1 D1 A1 W12 C8
M2/W20/F0special rules:
Colour of Evil. Furby's enemies are constantly being bilinded by the pinkness. Furby always counts as casting blinding light
Pink wrath. Furby gains 7 extra attacks while charging
infuriating image. furby's features are VERY infuriating. -2 courage to all enemy models (cumilative)
corrupting presence. Furby, despite his appearance, is actually an evil thing of corrupting nature. To represent this, all models (including good ones (apart from kev and any of 'The Pink ones')) within 8" of furbie must take a courage test. Might or Will cannot be used to alter these rolls. If the courage test is failed then the model is infested by pinkness and is removed as a casualty.
Durable plastic Furby is resistant to magic
kev (AKA: PMF (pink marsh Furby))movement 6" F3/- S4 D4 A2 W3 C6
M4/W8/F4noble steed kev can take Furby as a mount
painting proficiency all who come near kev are amazed by his painting skills. All enemy models that charge PMF are overwhelemed by awesimity and count as immobilised (see rulebook)
secret passion Kev is secretly in love with anything pink. Kev gains an extra attack and ignores courage tests if Furby or a 'Pink one' is within 12"
I'll make the pink ones another time
C&C welcome
feel free to add your own if you want