It's just a difference in the two profiles, not a mistake or anything, (bear in mind his other spells are better too), if you want to use Evil Saruman you're stuck with a 5+ Sorcerous Blast. Don't worry too much about this though, Immobilise is his most powerful spell and his Evil version still casts that on a 2+.
His Good version is definitely better value (although his new BOFA profile is the best of the lot) but don't underestimate The Palantir, it can be an absolute game winner. If you know what you're doing then it can't be cancelled by Heroic Moves as you only use it when your opponent is out of Might (otherwise there's no point). Generally this is when they're broken, you move first, tag the enemy Heroes and get the important charges, the rest of their army runs etc. That one little rule has won me more games than I care to remember

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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