The One Ring

Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent
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Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent

Using One Rule book.


Castellan was knocked down by Nature's Wrath and then subsequently charged by Elrond. My Wraith in turn charged in to make it a multiple combat. Elrond wins the fight. Here's when my opponent and I got into a disagreement:

I say that only against trapped fighters he can have double strikes. Elrond has 3 regular attacks so I suggested attacking the grounded (trapped) Castellan first where each regular attack is doubled, with one regular attack (x2) at a time so that the left over regular attacks are used against the standing Wraith. He failed his first two strike rolls (1 reg. + bonus), but scored double 6's on the next two (1 reg. + bonus). So of course the Castellan is dead but he wanted to pass the extra 6 onto the Wraith which would automatically kill him even though they're different Defense, it requires the same result. I said no, that 6 is ignored and he has only 1 regular attack left with no bonus against the Wraith.

My view is that all regular attacks against the trapped defender are doubled while against the standing defender there is no bonus. He believes that he should get 6 attacks total for the entire combat and allocate them as he pleases. 3 bonus attacks towards the Castellan and 3 regular towards the Wraith. But that doesn't make sense to me, my wraith is standing.

He reads the book and finds the line under trapped fighters: "Any strikes made against a trapped model are doubled." and "a model with 2 Attacks makes four strikes against a trapped model or two strikes against two different trapped models." Even whenboth models are trapped, the strikes have to be divided evenly and not be odd.

Anyway he still wasn't budging, and I wanted the game to continue so we agreed the extra 6 rolled was discarded but I allowed him the final bonus attack for the 3rd strike on the Wraith. And he rolled 4 & 6... whatever.

Any opinions?

Author:  jericho2597 [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent

your correct, he couldnt pass that strike onto the standing wraith

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent

You're completely right, you only get the double strikes against the model on the floor so he could not pass that extra 6 onto your wraith.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent

Aye, your conclusion and the given arguments are correct.

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent

Nice to know I have the general public on my side! :)

Author:  Dikey [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent

I think that, in the very old rules (RotK) you had the possibility to just roll everything and then choose how to wound, without declaring strikes.
But if you're playing with the hobbit rules, you are right

Author:  Glory4gondor [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple fight against a grounded and standing opponent

It would work in your opponents favor. If he had charged your standing models the gotten counter charge by the wraith then both your models would be knocked down and he would have his bonus.

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