Thanks Beowulf

As has been said, the LotR version is a "skirmish" game, models in 40k units are skirmishing and Warhammer (my primary system) even has a special rule of skirmishing.
I've not heard of the ranged hit and run tactic be known as skirmishing before as I've always taken it from my readings and history-learnings that it means a "short and small conflict".
Anyhow, regardless, now I know what you're referring to, which gives me a better understanding of what you had meant.
"Your argument, that a Scout unit is not a regiment and has no leader ist simply wrong in my eyes. Especially Scouts are well trained troops with experieced leaders because reconnaisance is very important. Just think of Faramir and his men in Ithilien."
I wasn't speaking of them, in that sense. They would certainly have someone to train them, but they would likely be the most experienced or even non-active. The one that would give them orders would likely be the commander of the whole force. They would then branch out on their out to attain information, rather than as a unit acting cohesively upon the battlefield. Faramir and his men aren't scouts: they are ment hat use guerilla warfare, stealth and range instead of bruteforce to obtain victory.
Also, if you want a figurehead in the unit, get a captain or take Elfhelm's Eored (or whatever it's called) and go down that route. As to the slowness of the formation, they DO have movement 12, which is nothing to be sniffed at, they can move full distance and shoot AND charge if they'd like.
Not sure (as I haven't the book to hand) as I have randomly forgotten, lol, but does At The Double! not disallow shooting?