The One Ring

Wotr rolling
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Author:  Thorin & Co. [ Sat May 08, 2010 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Wotr rolling

If i have the betrayer in a unit, he lets everyone reroll. If i need a 6/4 to hit, then what do i reroll? 6s, 4s? both?

Similarly, a unit has 2 handed weapons or a bane (+1 on rolls), and needs a 6/4 to hit, what do they get +1 on? The 6, the 4, both? What happens if you have 2handed weapons and a bane when you originally need a 6/4 to hit? Does it become 5/3 (one on each), 4/4 (+2 to first roll), 6/2 (+2 to second roll), 4/2 (+2 on both rolls) ?

I was thinking people could easily take advantage of this.
Betrayer + 23 guys, need a 6/4, but get rerolls on the 6s: 3.51 hits
Betrayer + 23 guys, need a 6/4, but get rerolls on the 4s: 2.71 hits
Rerolls on 6s and 4s: 5.26 hits

+1 to rolls:
24 guys w/ 2handed weapons, need 6/4, but roll 5/4: 4 hits
need 6/4 but roll 6/3: 2.66 hits
need 5/3: 5.33 hits

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Sat May 08, 2010 10:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

With the re-rolls, you roll all of the dice for 6s, then put any that miss to one side and roll the 6s again to try and get 4s. Any 4s that wound obviously wound and any that miss you add to the other pile. You then roll all of these again as if for the first time.

Basically, roll for 6s and the 4s, then re-roll everything that didn;t get a 4 on the second half. Hope that makes sense.

As for the bane/two-habded weapons, it gives you +1 to hit, which COULD be read as move it across by one on the table (although it shpuldn't, lol :D ). I would presume that you add it to both rolls as you are adding one to the die. So, that would make it 5+/3+, but I could be wrong on this one (although I'm not on the re-rolls ;) ).

Author:  MuslimRohirrim [ Sun May 09, 2010 12:59 am ]
Post subject: 

this is how we play it. anything added to the dice is applied to both rolls. same way, re-roll misses in both rolls.

- first roll (apply modifiers)
- reroll first roll misses (apply modifiers)
- second roll (apply modifiers)
- reroll second rolls misses (apply modifiers)

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Sun May 09, 2010 11:22 am ]
Post subject: 

MuslimRohirrim: I thinky ou're playing the bonuses correctly, but the re-rolls unfortunately isn't.

There was another thread regarding re-rolls on double dice and it was proven that re-rolling both dice is different and inaccurate to re-rolling the dice that miss the second roll and didn't make it to that roll.


12 dice hitting on 6/4+, 2 get a 6 and one of those gets a 4, you therefore have 1 hit and 11 re-rolls, where you roll the 11 dice and get 2 more 6s, then 2 more 4s (just as an example).

This method means that you re-roll the missed wounding, which is the same as re-rolling a single dice wounding roll. Re-rolling both/just the first dice/just the last dice means you have an increased/decreased/decreased results ;)

Hope I made sense, lol :D

Author:  MuslimRohirrim [ Mon May 10, 2010 7:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the correction!

so it's:

- rolling 1st (add misses to rerolling pile)
- rolling 2nd (count hits, add misses to rerolling pile)
- reroll missed pile 1st (discard misses)
- reroll missed pile 2nd (add new hits)

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Tue May 11, 2010 12:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Precisely and you've done it far more succinctly than I did ;)

I would say that, using the other two systems as precedence (I.E. Fantasy and 40k) as well as simply saying to add one to the die roll, you do add one to each die, so it would be 5+/3+ in the examples given ;)

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