isengard99 wrote:
I can't tell you how many games I get into where people tell me if I cast Tremor it hurts my own formation. Now why would GW do that? Seriously. If GW meant tremor to do your own caster's formation's harm, they'd so so, like strength from corruption.
If it doesn't explicitly omit the unit from the rules, unless there is an FAQ or errata stating otherwise, the unit is affected. That's the way that GWs games have always been played and meant to be played. It's unfortunate, but true. Having said that, an FAQ is out now and it states that the unit is exempt from the spell, which makes it somewhat more useful
With the Overlord special rule, there is no question. You are right. It states a formation may use the might as if it were its own. You essentially make a normal troop a character or something by giving them might to use. Also, if it ever comes up with an opponent again, point out that it is in tactica by GW as well as their battle reports and there is no ruling stating that it is not played this way. 3 key points backing you up against their whinge of "you need a hero". A hero gets their own damned might anyway!
It amuses me that you think one isn't coming out for some time as one did earlier today, lol

A News & Rumour thread has been posted and it's been linked to in the WotR FAQ? thread.
hithero: I agree wholeheartedly. The game is great fun, some of the rules did not rectifying/amending/explaining, but common sense or readin the book properly can solve a lot of those.