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 Post subject: Warrior Pride, What the Hell?
PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:50 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Well, me and my friend were playing a game yesterdy, and it was 'To the death' 'Last man Standing', whatever it is where you have to kill every single model to win, and we came across a rather large dilemma involving my Mahud.

Seeing as if i typed it no-one would understand it, here is my handy diagram i drew on MS Paint.


So what we can see is, i won priority several times in a row, and as you can see he had a contingent of Harad Archers with a cheiftain which he kept moving backward half move as the cheiftain kept passing his courge, shooting me every turn.
Then me with the much better Hero, I was attempting to catch up to his archers, but as Warrior Pride requires the Mahud King to be in combat he had to keep engaging the spearman next to him to make the Mahud Warriors pass their courage (the spearmen is the only one in range so he has to engage it). The Mahud Wariors could then move, but if the do they will move out of the radius of Warrior Pride and still will not reach the archers, and will almost certainly flee next turn.

Meanwhile to make sure my Warriors didn't flee the Cheiftain must not kill the spearman, as it was the only enemy within range of the King, so I was Shielding, so as not to kill it, and this went on for several turns.
My opponent wanted to kill his own Spearmen with his archers, which we unsure about if it was allowed or not and eventually decided they could not. All shooting into combat proved useless for him, and a stalemate ensued, as the Mhud could not reach the enemy without fleeing and my opponent could not get rid of his spearmen it any other way. :shock:
The game eventually ended after his Cheiftain fled and his archers disbanded, leaving me to kill the Spearmen, but nothing was happening for several turns.

Surely there is a way around this, it just seems stupid in my opinion.
Also could my opponent have killed his Spearman voluntarily or through shooting (not into combat)?

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:05 pm 
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I don't think that warrior pride requires the leader to be in combat but I don't have the book, (just been knicking the rules off my friend and this is from memory)

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:21 pm 

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The Warrior Pride rule requires you to be in combat. Therefore the above situation is correct and quite annoying.

Your opponent is allowed to shoot into combat and try to kill his spearman, he's playing evil side.

He should've shot your other models though and then surrounded you and killed before he fled. However, as you see if the King doesn't charge, then all Mahud take courage test with C1, bear in mind it's still possible to pass it, so I don't see why you didn't move into combat if you had more warriors or why he didn't charge you in case you didn't have more? (not sure if the picture shows the full situation?).

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:33 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Well, as i said, he did shoot into combat, but he was very, and i mean proper unlucky when he did, and most of the time he decided to shoot the Mahud Warriors.. And he knew my Mahud would tear him to death if they were in combat so he was reluctant to get near them.

I'm not sure wether you understood it clearly because it is quite complictaed, but my King would not catch them quick enough until the inevitable happened and he was shot to death or he fled, so i needed mty Mahud to do the job but if they moved out of range then (and i knew they could still pass, but come on Courage 1)they would could not benefit from Warrior pride and probably flee, whilst all this is happening my opponent shouting at the Spearman, which was his own unit which ended up costing him the game.

Just seems wierd how that rule allowed me to take advantage of his own model, and what was happening didn't even fit what would really happen, i mean the Mahud arn't going to fight if their leader is cowering behind is shield, regardless of the fact he is in combat.

And yes, the picture was all the figures left on the board (the board was obviously bigger than the edges of the picture).

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:34 pm 

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Nothing wrong with the rules and its just an unfortunate situation that will probably never happen again for you, so forget about it its no biggy. However you only got the problem because of the non-scenario you were playing.
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Right well, i suppose its just unfortunate then, and there is nothing wrong with that suituation, as always, thanks guys.

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:02 pm 
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One question though, you didn't kill the spear man with the mahud chief in a couple turns of combat? Did you just have really bad luck rolling to win and wound or what??
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:20 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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he said already, he was shielding which means he doesn´t wound :rofl:

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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:57 pm 
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I don;t understand why your opponent didn;t use this situation to his advantage. It seems clear to me that, instead of trying to kill his own guy, why he didn't shoot at your Mahud Warriors whilst the Mahud King was tied up in combat with the spearman....

Then he could surround your Mahud King and win...

It seems a far more sensible tactic than waiting until he'd shot his own guy to death before trying to kill yours but maybe I missed something.
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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 3:59 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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one odd thing i came across, when i read the "issue´s description" is that, if his "spearmen" lost the fight everytime, then he would be backed away by 2cm from the Mahud king, and when your opponent got the priority, he could have moved him directly away from your King making a distance between them 16 cm, meaning that the King Could not charge him.. :roll:

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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:12 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Yes, thats the thing, i was lucky and won priority several times in a row, and i Heroic Moved when i couldn't.

And also, as i already said, my opponent tried both shooting the Mahud and the Spearman, but was unlucky with both.

I guess this situation kind of outlines the fact that you need to ally Far Harad in with another army to get the best out of them, because then at least you have a back-up in this sort of situation that could have gone and killed the archers.

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