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 Post subject: A few questions after a fun game
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:09 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:09 am
Posts: 93
Hello everyone!

After having played a fun and intense game yesterday with my girlfriend (introducing a small monster named Gwaihir and wizards to try to counter :p), I have a couple of questions :

- Cavalry : is Gwaihir considered to be "on foot" when charged by a cavalry model? If so, would a KoMT only gain the "extra attack" bonus but not the "knock to the ground" bonus because of Gwaihir strenght?
- Cavalry : what does happen when 2 KoMT charge Gwaihir and one of them is counter-charged by an elf on foot? Which bonus have the Knight fighting against Gwaihir and which bonus have the one fighting the elf?

- "Fly": does this rule allow to charge an enemy without having LoS at the beginning of the movement? For instance, if a model is behind a rock and Gwaihir fly over it, can the monster attack the model?

- "Elven cloak" : during the game, Radagast was hiding behind a ranger of Gondor but Gwaihir attacked that ranger. Could he land in base contact with the ranger and Radagast or was he only able to charge the ranger because of Radagast's cloak?

- "Command": can a wizard target a friendly model?

- "Command" / Eldamar Madrigal (wood elf sentinel) : Can the target move even when immobilized, or having failed a courage test to charge?

- Twins "Unbreakable bond" rule : when a twin is slain, the other one must charge the killer ASAP. Must he charge every model in the way, or avoid them? Is it faster to cut through a wall of enemies, or to get around them?

Thanks for your feedback and sorry for my average English ;)
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 Post subject: Re: A few questions after a fun game
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:31 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:50 pm
Posts: 1339
Hi largonien, welcome to the forum, most of your questions are answered below:

- Cavalry : is Gwaihir considered to be "on foot" when charged by a cavalry model? If so, would a KoMT only gain the "extra attack" bonus but not the "knock to the ground" bonus because of Gwaihir strenght?

Yes to both, he counts as being on foot but would not get knocked down.

- Cavalry : what does happen when 2 KoMT charge Gwaihir and one of them is counter-charged by an elf on foot? Which bonus have the Knight fighting against Gwaihir and which bonus have the one fighting the elf?

As above, the Knight fighting Gwaihir would get an extra attack but not knock Gwaihir down if he wins. The knight fighting the elf woget an extra attack and knock him down if he wins.

- "Fly": does this rule allow to charge an enemy without having LoS at the beginning of the movement? For instance, if a model is behind a rock and Gwaihir fly over it, can the monster attack the model?

No, you still need LOS to charge

- "Elven cloak" : during the game, Radagast was hiding behind a ranger of Gondor but Gwaihir attacked that ranger. Could he land in base contact with the ranger and Radagast or was he only able to charge the ranger because of Radagast's cloak?

I think you could charge both in this instance

- "Command": can a wizard target a friendly model?


- "Command" / Eldamar Madrigal (wood elf sentinel) : Can the target move even when immobilized, or having failed a courage test to charge?

Not sure of the top of my head (no rulebooks to hand), I'd say yes.

- Twins "Unbreakable bond" rule : when a twin is slain, the other one must charge the killer ASAP. Must he charge every model in the way, or avoid them? Is it faster to cut through a wall of enemies, or to get around them?

Again, I don't have the books to hand so it would depend on the wording but I'd probably say that he would attempt to go around.

Hope that helps

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud

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 Post subject: Re: A few questions after a fun game
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:17 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm
Posts: 448
Location: Richmond, VA
LOS is determined at the beginning of a models move. If radagast was more than six inches away and the ranger blocked gwahir seeing the entire model, then you may not charge radagast.
If gwahir was inside six inches then yes you could charge if he could see radagast.

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: A few questions after a fun game
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:55 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:09 am
Posts: 93
Thank you for your response! It will be easier to play the next games :)
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