The One Ring

Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.
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Author:  Kelsier [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.

Hi all,

I'm new in this game and I have some questions:

What is the scenary measurements? By the pictures in new book, it seems to be 48¨x 96¨or 48¨x 72¨? I don't see the length anywhere.

Other question is about siege engines. Now, you can add one siege machine per hero of fortitude of higher in your army. These heros must belong to the same army wich I pick the siege engine? For instance, I have an army of rohan and a hero of fortitude, and allies from gondor with another hero of fortitude. Could I add two Gondor avenger bolt throwers in this case, or only one because I only have one gondor hero?

Thanks so much!

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.

Which scenario are you looking at? Table size varies from game to game.

Author:  Kelsier [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.

Cave Dragon wrote:
Which scenario are you looking at? Table size varies from game to game.

Any of them seems to have the same measurements. For instance, 7 or 12.

Author:  Alex123 [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.

You can play various sizes. The Ardacon tournament and Warhammer World tournament in the UK both used 4 foot by 4 foot tables I think, for 700 to 750 point games lasting two hours. (You have to play quite quick).

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.

I think Kelsier is referring to the little picture maps in the "Scenarios" section of the new rule book. This is an excellent question and I'd like to hear everyone's take on it.

Author:  werennor [ Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.

Kelsier wrote:
Hi all,

I'm new in this game and I have some questions:

What is the scenary measurements? By the pictures in new book, it seems to be 48¨x 96¨or 48¨x 72¨? I don't see the length anywhere.

Other question is about siege engines. Now, you can add one siege machine per hero of fortitude of higher in your army. These heros must belong to the same army wich I pick the siege engine? For instance, I have an army of rohan and a hero of fortitude, and allies from gondor with another hero of fortitude. Could I add two Gondor avenger bolt throwers in this case, or only one because I only have one gondor hero?

Thanks so much!

Here is an answer for your question concerning siege machines. The text in the rulebook is speaking of siege machines for an army or an allied part of an army, therefore I guess, you need an hero from the same army list as your siege machines are from if you want to put a machine into your army. So, in your example, you can get only one Gondor bolt thrower, because you only have one Gondor hero of high enough rank.

Author:  werennor [ Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scenary measurements and siege machine questions.

GreatKhanArtist wrote:
I think Kelsier is referring to the little picture maps in the "Scenarios" section of the new rule book. This is an excellent question and I'd like to hear everyone's take on it.

In most games where I partizipated, private ones and at tournaments, there were quadratic tables, normally 4' by 4'. I suppose it's just a matter of the available space.

For games or scenarios with many cavalry models a bigger mat would be great (4' by 6' f.i.), and in the old scenarios from the brown and the blue book, these measurements are sometimes recommended by GW.

And of course, If you are playing a mega battle with really a lot of models and perhaps more than two players, a bigger table would be appropriate. In the new army book the scenario of the Pelennor fields has such bigger dimensions.

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