The One Ring

First Army
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Author:  Ranger1234 [ Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  First Army

Hi All,

I've been reading the forums for a couple of weeks and decided I want to get started with playing LOTR SBG. I am however struggling to decide an army to build.

Years ago (when I was 14 / 15) I used to play a bit of WHF and 40K and used to love High Elves and Space Marines, but struggling this time round.

My initial thoughts were either Rohan or Wood Elves (good) or Isengard for evil. I'd ideally like something which is pretty balanced but also has some pretty cool hero's.

I've ordered a couple of job lots from eBay one with 14 Mixed Uruk's on foot and 3 Warg Riders and also a set with Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas and Merry. Could Gandalf be a hero for Both Rohan and wood Elves?

Oh gosh I so many questions brewing in my head now.

Anyway any help appreciated.


Author:  Zikken [ Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First Army

Hello there!

Im new at the game aswell, but can maybe help you a little!

I would recommend you to watch at GBHL ( and DCHL ( ... eAyLyTpJsA)
For some inspiration and to see all the different kinds of armies.

Like you mention it can be good to buy one Good and one Evil army.
As the army you want. It´s all your choise and the best way to decide is to get as much informationa s you can! The GBHL and DCHL can help but maybe also some Scourcebooks.
There you can see all the choises you have for each faction. "Rohan", "Isengard", "Arnor", "Mordor" etc.
They can be bought on GW site, just "Mordor" and "Moria and Angmar" still there tho, The rest can maybe be bought on Ebay or some bookshop if you are lucky!

As you have bought some models from Ebay. Continue with them, You got 14 Uruk´s then buy maybe a Captain and you got one Warband done.

You can only lead models Models in your Faction list.
If you find a hero in the list, he can lead a warband. If he is not, you can take him as a seperate hero or as a warband leader with warriors from the list he is listed!
Just think like this: Is he in the Rohan list;
Yes= Then he can lead warriors from the Rohan list.
No= Then he can´t lead warriors from the Rohan list

Hopefully this helped a bit.

Happy New year!

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